Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I'm sorry but I'm posting bathtub pictures again....he just really loves bathtime so I have been taking alot of pictures. I would love to fill the tub with bubble bath to take some really cute pictures but his ezcema would not be happy with me if I did that!

And, what cracks us up is that recently Trigger loves to clean...like he will take his hand and dip it in the water and then wipe it all over the walls of the bathtub...it's really rather cute!

1 comment:

GRamsey said...

Hey Garson,
You should try California Baby. It's the only thing I can use on my girls. Everything else irritates their skin. I get the "super sensitive." And they have bubble bath that comes with wands to blow bubbles. :) The Olde Wheat Barn carried it for a while, but now I can only find it at Target or online.