Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Having a little boy in the house...

MEANS you have random tools, cars, etc. ALL over the house. I didn't do a great job of cleaning up the house last night because I was tired! So this morning I noticed just how many things were randomly placed and decided i just HAD to take pictures to remember this time in our life!
Let me just give a few locations for the things below:
Trains/cars on the kitchen floor
Wrench puzzle piece on the den floor
Lawnmower in the foyer (which the navy chair is not really suppose to be in the den either...that's Trigger's NEW chair for his room. I'm gonna spray it with scotch guard to keep nastiness off!)
Clothes/socks in my bathtub (I have no clue when this happened...I'm thinking when his daddy was in charge of him..haha)
Random SHOES everywhere because Trigger feels the need to take his shoes ON and OFF and ON and OFF...over and over....again and again!!!!

I did clean everything up tonight...you know...except for all MY piles of JUNK! :)

1 comment:

jessie said...

just so you don't feel left out... little girls do this to!!

i LOVE trigger's rain boots. you have no idea how excited i am to buy olivia some next year!