Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Sadie's 1st Birthday

My cousin, Faith, has a little girl, Sadie. Sadie had her first birthday party this last weekend. Trigger had alot of fun exploring another house which meant that this momma was exhausted by the time we left! :) Oh how I love my busy boy! Here a few pictures from the party.
The Birthday Girl

Trigger and Sydney...I think they were fighting over something...but that happens all the time. I think these two are so cute together and I hope they stay really close!

This is what Trigger does when he doesn't know where something is or doesn't know how to do something...very cute!

Eating cake with Izzy

My Aunt Teresa, Sadie, Faith, and Meme

And, we attempted to get one of the three children but that didn't work out so of course I just picked the one where my child was looking and smiling. Ha!

Happy Birthday, Sadie!!

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