Wednesday, March 24, 2010

All BOY!!!

Everytime Trigger is outside, he runs over (or points if he's in the car) to Matt's four-wheeler and says, "Dada...Dada....ri...ri..ri...ri". The translation: I want someone to take me on the fourwheeler NOW! He loves riding on it. It's finally gotten warm enough again to take him for a ride. So the other day I told Trigger that as soon as Daddy got home, he could ride with Daddy. Here are a few photos from their ride. It's funny to me how serious he is the whole time...he loves it but he doesn't smile with glee. strange?!

Well...i fell asleep in the middle of making this post. I think i said everything and uploaded the correct not sure what is up with me today. I am worn slap out...TIRED and WEAK. I do have Trigger today because Matt's mom is sick so maybe that's part of it...who knows...but Trigger is still asleep so I'm gonna take advantage of these last few minutes!

1 comment:

Emery Wilkerson said...

I'm loving getting daily updates from you & seeing Trigger everyday!!! This is fun!!! Maybe bed rest is good for something! haha! Glad you are hanging in there!!