Friday, August 27, 2010

Mr. Picasso

Trigger LOVES to paint.  And I mean LOVES it!!!! The other day I got out the acrylic paint and a canvas to paint on…he had the best time!  I absolutely love spending one on one time with Trigger…and I get very little one on one time with him so I have to savor ever second of it.  That is probably the ONE thing I miss since Campbell’s been born.

August- Playset, reading, etc 123 August- Playset, reading, etc 124 And as always he got tired of the brush and HAD to use his fingers.

August- Playset, reading, etc 137August- Playset, reading, etc 138 ANNNDDDD…of course Mr. Anal decided he didn’t want paint on his fingers AND he had to get the paint off the table.

August- Playset, reading, etc 139 August- Playset, reading, etc 140 August- Playset, reading, etc 144 We decided to clean up the acrylics and go for the safe “paint with water” books.  Trigger really wasn’t really impressed.

August- Playset, reading, etc 150 I’m sooo glad that he likes to do art stuff with me!  I hope it continues!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Kool Kids

I am finally posting about Kool Kids.  I decided to volunteer this year since I am finally NOT pregnant and NOT working.  It still took alot of coordination with Liz and Matt to get the kids taken care of but it was sooo worth it!  Trigger needed some clothes to wear to MDO this fall/winter.  He had some put up…clothes that were given to us from a sweet family.  But, we needed to fill in the gaps and what is the harm in getting a few articles of clothing every now and then!  Anyway, I was shocked to see how many volunteers got to the doors to line up so early.  I think I arrived around 12:50 and the doors didn’t open until 2.  There was already a line of 30+ people waiting.  Now I like a good deal..don’t get me wrong…but I’m not sure I could’ve sat there longer than the hour and fifteen min that I did that day.  I would need a book, tv, etc. to keep me occupied or I would go NUTS!!!!! Anyway, I wanted to share some of the great deals that I got!

First, let me just say that I go for the good stuff…brands like Gap, Gymboree, Children’s Place, Polo, and smocked/appliqued outfits. 

This was a Ralph Lauren button up with an undershirt that coordinated for 5 dollars.  Looks like it has never been worn!

August- Playset, reading, etc 176

This was probably the most I paid for a single item…$22 dollars I think?!?…and it had the tags on it.  I’m actually friends with the consigner that turned this in…Thanks, Emery!  It will look great on Campbell!August- Playset, reading, etc 177

One of my favorites!  This is a short sleeve/pants smocked outfit for 13 dollars!  It has farm stuff smocked on it!   August- Playset, reading, etc 178

This sweater looked brand new…it is polo also! August- Playset, reading, etc 179

This Christmas outfit was only 10 dollars.  AWESOME…both boys can get some use out of that.  

August- Playset, reading, etc 180August- Playset, reading, etc 181

Another smocked outfit…Isn’t it adorable…especially for 20 dollars. 

I got a whole laundry basket full of goodies. I think I figured up that all the stuff that I got totaled close to 900 dollars if you were to go to the store to buy them.  Now, I realize that some of them had some wear but still a GREAT deal…especially since I only paid about a 1/4 of that.  YAY for Kool Kids!!!!!!!

Monday, August 23, 2010

It’s always something (part two)

If you are confused about the “part two” part, please see a post from a couple of weeks ago.  Well, we have had a FEW (haha) more things that have happened at our house.  Nothing that is earth shattering…just things that make you wonder, “what were you thinking?”.

First up, we have a little coloring.  And I must say that He did use MORE THAN ONE COLOR (that’s for my Pre-K friends) and used lots of DETAILS (also for my Pre-K friends).  However, he did break the rule of we ONLY color on PAPER.  Yep, this would be my wood floors. 

August- Playset, reading, etc 088 August- Playset, reading, etc 089 August- Playset, reading, etc 090 I usually keep the crayons put up and they were put up but I had just put them in our built-ins in the den and the cabinet did not have the child proof lock on it yet.  After we (that’s right…Mr. T got himself a rag and scrubbed…and he kept saying “hard..hard”.  Yep, Honey, crayon doesn’t come off the floor easily, that’s why we don’t color on it) cleaned it up, Matt got his drill and put the child safety locks on the cabinet.  And, you-know-who had to help.  Oh it’s so hard to get on to this cute little boy!

August- Playset, reading, etc 092 August- Playset, reading, etc 094 August- Playset, reading, etc 097 August- Playset, reading, etc 099 And the other pictures that I ran across were of his bedroom. This particular day I had been unloading/loading the dishwasher and went back to check on Trigger.  This is what i found… (and for the record, his room doesn’t usually look this way)

Our Messy Day 070 Me: “Trigger what happened?”

Our Messy Day 072

Do you see the “Friday” and “Sunday” sticky notes…those were on buckets in his closet.  Remember me posting about how I put his clothes/things in buckets while I was in the hospital.  Well…he found a better use for the sticky notes.

Our Messy Day 073 Our Messy Day 074 All i can say is that he is a BUSY boy that is FULL OF LIFE!

And I just came across this picture…he is constantly climbing on things!

Trigger's 2nd Birthday Party 253

Staying Home with Happy Brothers

I don’t really have much to say except that I am LOVING being at home with my two boys.  They are so precious.  Trigger still LOVES Campbell.  He doesn’t really ask to hold him anymore but gives him kisses and hugs ALL the time.  Being a stay at home mom is fun.  However, Matt said the other day, “Staying at home seems to have put more pressure on you than take any away.”  He is right…I am constantly frustrated with myself because in my head the house should look perfect and supper should be on the table.  But, that is soooo far from what is happening right now.  I struggle to get ANYTHING accomplished during the day because one or both of the boys wants/needs me.  I don’t mind them wanting or needing me but I just feel so guilty that the house looks like a tornado came through it when Matt gets home.  Then the struggle is also that if I do get time where I’m not holding Campbell or taking care of Trigger and I start cleaning, I feel guilty for not spending quality time playing with them.  GUILT is a major part of being a mom for me and I have GOT to work on it!  It is so nice to be at home though because I can get up when the boys get up or when Matt leaves instead of the 6:00AM wake up time of my teaching days!  I do sooo love that!  AND, I do not have to get dressed up…”work out” clothes (I put clothes because they are made to be worked out in…but my work out consist of chasing Trigger and carrying Campbell around all day.  HAHA) are what I wear most days which I ABSOLUTELY LOVE and some days I don’t even have to put on makeup…i usually do though because it makes me feel better about myself :)  All in all, I would NOT change an absolute thing.  There are days when I really wish that Campbell would not scream when I put him down, but he is getting better.  I need to give myself and house a little slack…Campbell is only 2.5 months old.  He and I will get the hang of it soon and life will become a little easier!

I wanted to share some pictures of my sweet boys!Campbell Smiling 192  Campbell Smiling 198 One reason that Trigger can’t be left alone with Campbell…he might try to smother him with a burp cloth.

Campbell Smiling 200 Campbell Smiling 210 Trigger's 2nd Birthday Party 062 Trigger's 2nd Birthday Party 067 August- Playset, reading, etc 064 August- Playset, reading, etc 065 And I’m not sure what Trigger said to him but this is the face that Campbell made right after.  Haha!  I absolutely love when he pokes his lip out…Trigger was a champion at it!

August- Playset, reading, etc 067 August- Playset, reading, etc 071 August- Playset, reading, etc 076 Above: Trigger was telling Campbell, “It okay”.  He really is a sweet big brother!

Oh goodness…I have soooo many more pictures to post.  I didn’t realize that I had been taking so many lately but I LOVE IT…Love having pictures to remember our everyday, ordinary life!  I hope you enjoyed these few.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

My Boys

I put Campbell in this elephant outfit last week.  My cousin, Kim, gave it to Trigger and I just love it.  I took Trigger’s picture in it when he was about 10-11 weeks old…the picture turned out so cute that I blew it up to be an 11x14 and framed it in his bathroom.  Well, I just had to take a picture of Campbell in it too.  When I was looking at Campbell’s picture on my computer tonight, I just had to go back and look at T’s picture too.  Sooo…here are both of them in the elephant outfit…both are 10-11 weeks old.

Weeks 10-12 014August- Playset, reading, etc 111

Cole Trigger Woodard                    Campbell Clayton Woodard

What cracks me up is that Trigger looks like a hefty thing compared to Campbell and Trigger weighed 4lbs. 5oz when born and Campbell weighed 6lbs 11oz.  Who do they look like?  Hmmmm…They sure are different.  One bald (now very blonde) and one with head full of dark hair.  One with full face and one with a skinny face.  They do both have beautiful blue eyes though!!!

A few random things

First, I just found this picture that I just had to post and explain.  When we were trying to get to get packed for Houston and celebrate Trigger’s birthday, I thought I would never get it all done.  Trigger was the first person I had packed…and the only one that was packed until the night before we left.  I had just finished packing him and walked out of the room for a second thinking, “YES, mark one thing off the list…I’ve got T packed.” Walked back into Trigger’s room a MINUTE later and this is what I saw.  I repacked him and had a talk with him about not taking anything out of the bag….walked out again…came back…SAME THING.  Needless to say, he found the corner…the corner is apparently not working.  Lately, he gets mad (sometimes..because sometimes he just doesn’t care if he goes) and will say “NO” like he has a choice.  So I will get up and head over to walk him to the corner and he gets even more mad yelling, “No, I do it” and stomping himself to the corner.  But what I don’t understand is that when his two minutes are up, he comes out smiling like he’s won or he’s gotten something over on me.  NO, Honey, Momma is pretty strong willed too and I will (even if it kills me) WIN!  UGH…I swear that child is shortening my life!Getting ready for Houston Trip 125Then, i wanted to share the thank you notes that I made.  I really had planned on getting some ordered to match the invites but just was overwhelmed by other things and didn’t get around to it.  These took me just minutes to make and they turned out cute and matched the theme and colors from the party…however, the ONLY truck stamp i could find was a dump truck because REMEMBER how I said that you could only find firetrucks or dump trucks…same is true for stamps! :)

 Our Messy Day 068And, Trigger “signed” each of his cards.

Our Messy Day 069I just found two pictures that show an AWESOME comparison of my two boys!…I will post it separate though!

I truly need to go to bed but I am trying upload and organize pictures. AND, finally order some pictures to put up in the nursery…one of the frames in Campbell’s room still has a picture of me and TRIGGER from when TRIGGER was in the NICU.  The rest of the frames are empty and I seriously need to get them filled!  Believe it or not, I am the worlds worst at printing out pictures.  The ONLY pictures I have printed out since April of 2009 (yep, over a year) are the ones i used for Trigger’s banner at his first and second bday parties.  YIKES!!!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Trigger’s Birthday Party

The theme was RED TRUCKS (Colors: red and turquoise)…and did you know that this is NOT a popular theme?  Well, I am here to tell you that there is nothing with red trucks…red FIRE trucks, yes.  Dump trucks, yes.  Red pick up trucks, NO!  These were the invitations.  They turned out really cute!!!  And, I absolutely love the picture of Trigger.Trigger 2 bday invite The party was a swim party at Izzy and Poppy’s house.  We had alot of people there…i don’t think I got to talk to any of them but I’m glad they came!

Trigger's 2nd Birthday Party 076 Trigger's 2nd Birthday Party 078 Trigger's 2nd Birthday Party 083Trigger's 2nd Birthday Party 087


This was the first time he has jumped off the diving board.  I guess it was peer pressure.  Actually this picture is of the second time.  The first time he jumped right on in to Jenny (my cousin).

  Trigger's 2nd Birthday Party 088

We had lots of spectators.  At some point, everyone took a break to eat a little Johnny’s pizza.

Trigger's 2nd Birthday Party 143Trigger's 2nd Birthday Party 145 Trigger's 2nd Birthday Party 090

I had bought these wooden trucks and cars and had them at a craft table to paint.

Trigger's 2nd Birthday Party 101

Trigger's 2nd Birthday Party 100 Trigger's 2nd Birthday Party 105 Trigger's 2nd Birthday Party 102

And the boys decided to paint themselves instead of the cars! :)

Trigger's 2nd Birthday Party 107 Trigger's 2nd Birthday Party 108 Trigger's 2nd Birthday Party 109 Trigger's 2nd Birthday Party 111 Time for cake….the cake has a story behind it.  I had decided to make life easy for me and have super one make the sheet cake and I would make the red truck.  Well I went in there and gave them VERY specific directions on how I wanted my grass, where I wanted the road and how big, and where I wanted the writing.  I even showed them pictures of the grass I wanted…the kind using the grass tip not just green icing smeared around.  Some of you will remember that I used to decorate cakes at Baskin Robbins when I worked there in high school and college so I know what can/can’t be done. The lady assured me that they “always make the grass with the grass tip”.  Well, I sent Matt to pick the cake up Friday evening.  When he got home and I looked at that cake, I truly wanted to punch someone.  I know that’s not very kind but I mean MY WORD I had given them specific directions…and I know that what I had asked was NOT difficult AT ALL and I SHOULD have just done it MYSELF!!!  So I got right back in the car and drove back to super one.  The lady (not the one that took my order because of course she wasn’t there) knew immediately that my order was wrong…maybe she took the hint from the horrified look on my face. :)  I sooooo wish I had taken a picture of the first cake…it featured a NICE airbrushed brown (dirt) road and grass.  AIRBRUSHED…*GASP*…for those of you that like airbrushed cakes, GREAT!  But that is not what I had ordered.  So I explained again exactly what I wanted.  The lady was sooooo nice and apologized.  She even showed me the order form that said “road and green grass”…that was ALL it said.  Hello?!?  I guess she didn’t care about my specific directions!

Well…here is the second cake.  It looked alot better.  My red truck looks a little wilted which it was because it had been out in the heat for awhile and was melting (we were all melting!)

Trigger's 2nd Birthday Party 113Trigger immediately got a lick..sorry!

Trigger's 2nd Birthday Party 115  BLOW….

Trigger's 2nd Birthday Party 121 And I was serving the cake to Trigger’s guests (I should’ve served him first), he got a fork and started to dig in!

Trigger's 2nd Birthday Party 122  Trigger's 2nd Birthday Party 124 Trigger's 2nd Birthday Party 130 If you look at the picture above, you will see I some specific requests for pieces…like a piece right in the middle of the cake! And I guess I would work great at Burger King (at least according to their commercials) because she had it her way, right away! :)

Trigger was a mess after cake and had to get in the pool to wash off…he was NOT happy about washing off the icing.

Trigger's 2nd Birthday Party 136 Trigger's 2nd Birthday Party 137

What was Campbell doing the whole time we were outside, you ask?

He stayed inside with his great grandparents. I’d say he had it MADE!!!

Present time…Trigger got lots of wonderful things!!! And he had alot of people watching him.

Trigger's 2nd Birthday Party 146

  Trigger's 2nd Birthday Party 178 Trigger's 2nd Birthday Party 156 Trigger's 2nd Birthday Party 163 Trigger's 2nd Birthday Party 150Trigger's 2nd Birthday Party 152 Trigger's 2nd Birthday Party 155 Trigger's 2nd Birthday Party 184 Brannon (Jenny’s boy), Josiah(Kim’s boy) , and Trigger…they were all born within a few months of each other.  I think it’s neat that they get to grow up together…to bad Jenny and Kim don’t live in Ruston.

Trigger's 2nd Birthday Party 187

And Campbell was passed from one person to the next the whole time!

After Trigger opened presents, he passed out his favors to everyone.  I wanted favors that went along with the them of the party.  We had everyone in the family searching for matchbox red trucks.  I made these games boards by cutting green sturdy fabric in the shape of a rectangle.  Then, I painted a road on it, painted lines on the road, and glued a pocket to hold the truck, dice, and game directions.  I folded them up and wrapped a ribbon around it and tied a wooden truck to the ribbon.  On the truck, it had each child’s name and on the back, it had a little thank you note from Trigger.

Trigger's 2nd Birthday Party 068Trigger's 2nd Birthday Party 069Trigger's 2nd Birthday Party 071   And, for the little people, they got a red truck in a brown paper sack because I didn’t figure they would play the game.

Trigger's 2nd Birthday Party 072 Sorry…neither of the pictures actually had the names on the trucks yet.

And, here are some decorations.  I had said I wasn’t going to do any banners but when Vanna asked me if I had made them, I just couldn’t help myself and would’ve felt guilty if I didn’t…I didn’t want having a newborn to be an excuse for doing less than I would normally do.

I did a “Happy Birthday” banner thanks to Chasten who cut out the letters on her Cricut for me. And, I did a photo banner too with one picture from each month of the last year.

Trigger's 2nd Birthday Party 099

And, I just realized that there is not a single picture of me but I promise I was there…RUNNING! :) I do wish I had gotten a picture of me and my birthday boy!

We had a good time!  Happy Birthday to my sweet 2 year old!!!