Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Windows Live Writer

I’m testing this new program I just downloaded.  I wanted to see if it would really make uploading pictures and blogging easier…We will see!


Wow…this is fun!  Pictures are soooo much faster.  AND, i can change my font color and style!

Unexpected Adventures!

I started out the day thinking I was going to relax. hahahahahaha!!! FUNNY STUFF! Matt's mom came to get Trigger first thing this morning. Then, I took a shower and got ready for the day. I had made Trouble (yes, she is STILL alive...she's a 14 year old yorkie for those of you that don't know...she wasn't suppose to live past 5 so you can imagine our EXCITEMENT every morning when she starts whinning at 6 AM that she is STILL alive!) a grooming appt. I had intentions of running to walmart afterwards to take a couple of things back and get a few necessities and then come home to do NOTHING! Well, on my way to the groomers, I noticed I had a change oil message. I looked and I only had 5% oil life left and I was 5,000 miles overdue for an oil change...Ooops! So that started my journey of unexpected errands. I called Matt and told him that I was headed to get my oil changed. He told me to get my tires rotated while I was there. GREAT..I can handle that. I told the guy and he said NO PROBLEM! I head indoors and talked on the phone while waiting. The mechanic (I think that's what he's called) came in and said he wanted to show me something...WHY oh WHY do they do that to women! So I walked out there and I told him that I probably would have NO clue what he was going to show me. He said well we are NOT rotating your tires. Your front ones need to be replaced...metal is about to come I called Matt (poor matthew) and he told me to head to Walpoles. And let me just say that I LOVE small towns where you know all the families that own the businesses...sure makes business nice! car is at Walpoles right now getting TWO new tires and getting the care aligned AND brakes checked. In the meantime, I am on the phone trying to figure out what the deal is with Rockabye Baby in Monroe. We ordered our crib from them around 10 weeks ago....and after THREE scheduled delivery dates and PROMISES, we still do NOT have the crib. Soooo, I talked one of the guys there and he said they had a delivery man on the way with the ottoman (that came the wrong color the first time) and an envelope from the owner. OKAY...I'm not at my house and I don't have plans of going home right now AND WHY DIDN"T SOMEONE CALL TO ASK IF A DELIVERY might be convenient at this time....I'm just tired of people (and technology) not doing what they are suppose to do. I threw technology in there because of DISH...which I will NOT get into because it is a close tie as to which one (DISH or ROCKABYE) is going to make my BP go through the roof first! So, anyway, when I did get home, the envelope (and ottoman) was sitting on my front porch per my orders. The envelope said they were going to credit our credit card because they didn't know when they would get the crib...GREAT...FINE...I will find the dang crib somewhere else! However, NOW THE PROBLEM IS that we did NOT use a credit card to purchase the crib. We wrote a please tell me how that is going to work out...hmmmm! Oh and I thought we were DONE with these people.
THE GOOD NEWS IS...I just called Ladies in Waiting in Shreveport and they have ONE of the cribs in stock. SOOOOO...guess where I will be headed in the got it! SHREVEPORT, LA, HERE I COME!!!!! AND, guess who will be putting a crib together tomorrow night? YEP...that would be one MATT WOODARD!
So I'm sorry that I vented a just seemed that everything I tried to do today, ended up making me do something else :)
Now, I will share a few pictures of my sweet boy...that will make me (and hopefully you) SMILE!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Having a little boy in the house...

MEANS you have random tools, cars, etc. ALL over the house. I didn't do a great job of cleaning up the house last night because I was tired! So this morning I noticed just how many things were randomly placed and decided i just HAD to take pictures to remember this time in our life!
Let me just give a few locations for the things below:
Trains/cars on the kitchen floor
Wrench puzzle piece on the den floor
Lawnmower in the foyer (which the navy chair is not really suppose to be in the den either...that's Trigger's NEW chair for his room. I'm gonna spray it with scotch guard to keep nastiness off!)
Clothes/socks in my bathtub (I have no clue when this happened...I'm thinking when his daddy was in charge of him..haha)
Random SHOES everywhere because Trigger feels the need to take his shoes ON and OFF and ON and OFF...over and over....again and again!!!!

I did clean everything up know...except for all MY piles of JUNK! :)

Monday, March 29, 2010

momma, Momma, MOMMA! and a little sneak peak...

My sweet little angel has been in speech for about 4 months. Mrs. Kristi is WONDERFUL with Trigger...he is NOT so fond of her. She comes to Liz's house on Thursdays for an hour and Liz said he usually runs to her (Liz....not Kristi) and cries. I can explain why. My precious child does not like to be told what to do and when to do it...I have NO idea where he got that from. When Kristi comes, he knows she is going to make him do directive play and he doesn't like to be directed. OH his poor future teachers...I need to go ahead and start praying for them. He does have fun once he gets started! AND, he has learned alot and his speech has taken off. When we began, Trigger didn't have any words that he purposefully said. Now, I can't even count the amount of words he uses daily. Kristi has also taught him "manding" which is like signing but easier motions. He mands and says "more", "all done", "keys" and many more. Of course his favorite words are Momma and Dada. He has gotten to where if I have my back to him or I'm in the other room OR he just wants attention, he will shout, "momma, Momma, MOMMA"...louder and louder each time until I finally respond. He also LOVES to walk around and point to things that I use (like my brush or my purse) or things that are Matt's (like four-wheeler, leaf blower, lawnmower, etc.). Poor Liz came to pick him up today and Trigger went around the entire garage pointing to each thing saying, "dada...dada".
I am so glad that his speech is progressing! Unfortunately, I do not think he will be able to continue with services after his next testing because he is doing so well. I hate that because he has progressed so fast with Kristi!
Here are are few pictures of Trigger and "momma, Momma, MOMMA".

Like I said earlier, Trigger went to his Izzy's today so that I could rest. HAHA. I did NO such thing today...and I should've because I'm exhausted! That dang dresser was sitting out in our garage and it was just CALLING my name. I just couldn't help myself so I went out there and sanded/distressed, glazed, and just plum wore myself out. I still have to put a protective coat of polycrylic on it because I have a feeling that there will be all kinds of transportation vehicles run over it and little dirty fingers and MAYBE even feet all over the beautiful piece of we are gonna try to protect all Momma's (and Daddy's) hard work. And for those of you that have asked or were wondering, it's going in Trigger's room. The baby is getting Trigger's dresser from his nursery. Oh and we are waiting on the hardware to come in...should be here any day nowI LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it so far!!! The glaze really added alot to the piece and kept it from being so candy apple red. I'm just adding one picture now...I will add some more when it is truly finished with topcoat and hardware!!!!

Well..I'm off to rest this body...I'm TIRED!

Sunday, March 28, 2010


Let me tell you what we have been working on. Last weekend, I put together a kitchen set that Izzy and Poppy bought for Trigger...more on that in another post. Then, this weekend, Matt (and his dad) have been working on refinishing a dresser that I found. It was MY BEST PURCHASE EVER...even better than the 13 dollar peacoat that I bought on sale for Matt at Gap. I had been on the lookout for a dresser at Rolling Hills or Goodwill. In my crazy little head, I wanted to refinish a dresser...I had seen all these great blogs that detail how to refinish furniture, and I was HOOKED. Sooo...I went searching. I don't have alot of spare time (or at least I didn't then because I found the dresser when I was still working). Well, one afternoon after I had picked Trigger up from Liz's, I ran by rolling hills. I left Trigger in the car watching a movie (awful parenting, I know!!...but i did have the doors locked) and ran in just to see if they had any treasures. I saw three dressers. One was $80 and was the one that I was going to purchase, one was $60 but needed alot of attention, and then there was one that had a "sold" sign on it...I had seen the sold dresser several times and I knew it had been there for a couple (if not longer) was really the dresser that I wanted. Well, I asked one of the employees if he had any idea if it was really sold since it had been back there for so long. He looked at the tag and said it had been too I could buy it...YAY for me... BUT WAIT...I asked him, "how much is it before I agree" He went to the back and came out and said.....are you sitting down....$30....thats right THIRTY DOLLARS... Guess what? It now had another yellow tag but this time with the name GARSON WOODARD!!!! WHAT? I can't believe I only paid 30 dollars for this piece of furniture. It had NO damage at ALL...definitely the best dresser of the three and the cheapest! So, I paid for it. Got back in the car with my CHILD...who was waiting oh so patiently. HAHA! I called Matt and told him that I needed him to go pick up a dresser that I had just purchased...the whole time hoping he didn't kill me BECAUSE we ALL know that ME refinishing the furniture means that MATT will be refinishing it!'s been under our garage for the last months. Matt got out there last weekend and started sanding and said that he would NOT be working on this piece of furniture..."WE will just buy a new one" he said. I didn't want a new dresser. I wanted this dresser!!!

So I researched people to refinish it for us....and decided that we were going to attempt it again this weekend. Matt's mom is out of town so Matt's dad came over for some pizza and helped us get the dresser sanded. I thought these pictures were so cute because Trigger had seen his daddy brushing off the dust and decided it would be HIS job. Look closely...three generations of Woodard men working! I LOVE IT!!! These sure are three SPECIAL men!

As of right now, we have the primer finished. AND the drawers painted RED!!!! YEP...the dresser will be RED! Now we (Matt) have to paint the dresser.
This dresser will go in Trigger's room and the baby will get Trigger's dresser from his nursery. Make sense? I'm a little confused about what goes where too! Be on the lookout for pictures of the finished dresser. I'm hoping it will be DONE by next weekend..but we still have to finish painting, sand/destress, glaze, and then one thin coat of poly! That should be it! :) Poor, poor Matthew!

Saturday, March 27, 2010


I had Trigger ALL day Wednesday because Matt's mom didn't feel good and Liz was out of town. I tried to think of things that would keep him occupied and not make me too tired! Trigger has a problem with some sensory he doesn't like sand, doesn't like to fall in leaves, etc. Sooo..this activity kept him busy for a little bit and also helped with his sensory issues!
I put a bucket on the ground filled with paper Easter grass. Then, I hid different items in the cars, trucks, legos, little people, etc. I had Trigger dig for the items. He had a great time. And he had no problems digging in the "grass". However, he did not like it sticking to his feet.

Then, after a morning of FUN, I put Trigger in his highchair...OH AND yes, I know he still had on his pj top and some plaid shorts...we weren't really worried about impressing anyone...i did change him before we had to get out.
Anyway, I was trying to think of something different to feed him for lunch. So, like the teacher that I am, we made a pizza out of bread, pizza sauce, CHEESE (loves "chee"...the boy knows what's good), and pepperoni. He liked it!

Thankfully, Trigger took a good nap after he ate (almost three hours). When he got up, we went outside to play for a little bit before I had to go meet Matt at school. Really the only reason I am posting these pictures is because I absolutely LOVE Trigger's shoes...Liz bought me a pair of Sperry deck shoes and I LOVE mine. Trigger and I got Matt a pair for father's day last year. Sooo naturally, I had to get a pair for Trigger..his match his daddy's. I think they are so cute on him. I sure hope he lets me dress him for a long time...however, he left the house this morning in cute plaid shorts and a long sleeve tee AND frog rain boots....sooo, not the most stylish but sometimes he gets his way and this morning he wanted to wear his "Boo, boo, mama, mama, MAMA, BOO". Soooo, he got to wear his "BOO". Wish I had taken a picture of him.

After a little outside time, we loaded up and headed to meet Matt at school. If you noticed in one of my pictures, my back end of my car was loaded down with Easter cans. I had to deliver them to the school for my class Easter egg hunt...I hate I missed it. It's been a long time since I have NOT been at a class Easter hunt!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Stawberries and Water in a BIG boy cup

Trigger amazes me with how he can pick up on things so quickly...maybe he will take after his daddy. Trigger loves drinking out of a straw instead of a sippy cup. So when we went outside on Tuesday afternoon, I took some strawberries and a cup with a straw. I thought he could practice holding the cup outside. When we are inside, I always hold the cup for him and he takes sips. Well, he loved the control (of course...haha) and did a great job of holding the cup while drinking until he discovered the ice...and he ate a little of it too. We also enjoyed some HUGE strawberries that were VERY sweet. I so enjoyed just the simple life of sitting in the sunshine, eating strawberries, drinking water out of BIG cup AND tee-teeing outside in the grass (Trigger did that...not me!)
Oh and i ONLY took 125 pictures but don't worry I won't post them all!

I thought this was so sweet. Trigger would walk off with a strawberry and then run back saying, "bite, bite, bite" to see if I wanted a bite! Maybe he will always take good care of his momma!

Here is Trigger drinking from his cup.

Trigger eating ice.

NOTE: I realize that our house needs to be washed...I did see that in the pictures...but my poor hubby does NOT have the time to things like that and I'm pretty sure that washing the side of the house while on a ladder would be on the list of things that i do NOT need to be doing! Thankfully, things like that don't really bother will get washed when we have time! I'm a little overwhelmed and stressed right now...which is hilarious considering the amount of pressure Matt must feeling right now. However, since he is so busy and SOOOOO, SOOOO tired, I TRY not to ask any more of him than I have to. Our office that I was trying to turn into a playroom, is a I can't even walk in there right now! The baby's room is NOT EVEN STARTED!!! LIKE...we don't have a crib...we have ordered a crib and paid for it BUT the guy keeps giving me the run around about going to pick it up...and blah, blah, blah. So, I may have to end up cancelling our order with him and ordering through someone else. We've got to have a crib for the poor baby! The dresser that I bought from rolling hills for 30 dollars (my BEST purchase EVER) was going to be refinished by me (ha!) and matt (ha! ha!). However, I am not able anymore and Matt just doesn't have the time or energy. I've got to get it to someone to have it refinished so that the baby can have somewhere to store his clothes. I was just so prepared with Trigger...I had EVERYTHING..and i mean EVERYTHING finished at 26 weeks...bottles ready, furniture delivered, everything arranged perfectly, things hung on the wall, my suitcase packed, etc. As of right now, the baby's room has "TRIGGER" letters and pcitures of Trigger hanging all over the walls. This is how bad it is, Matt even asked me yesterday evening if we had some clothes for the baby after he is born. hmmm...yes, I believe we do. That is one thing I have done. I had Liz get the first tub of Trigger's clothes down from the attic. I washed the preemie and newborn sleepers and they are folded and in a basket...just need a dresser to put them in.
I guess it will all come together...I'm just a little worried about it and feeling sorry for this second baby.
Please just pray for Matt that he can keep going and that his little amount of sleep will feel multiplied!


Sorry if you tried to look at the Easter pictures. You will have to enter your email address and the password is bunny.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Peach Blossoms

On Tuesday, Liz and I took Trigger to Sherry Owens' house to have his picture made with a bunny. They turned out really cute!
Woodard, Trigger - Easter
Woodard, Trigger - Easter
Woodard, Trigger - Easter
On the way home, I had the idea to take Trigger to the peach orchard to take pictures since Trigger was already dressed cute. It's so pretty right now with of the blooms!!! So we ran home to grab Matt and my camera and drove back to the peach orchard. Trigger didn't last long and because of the toddler running every which direction, I didn't get the best pictures...the lighting was bad! are my favorites!

AND, my absolute FAVORITE picture for the photo shoot....

I'm still enjoying being at home and resting but it seems like I haven't had much rest...between the DISH saga and keeping Trigger (some of the time), I feel like I haven't had alot of resting. However, it has to be better for my body than being on my feet constantly and dealing with 13 4-5 year olds.