Monday, January 28, 2013

Why do we celebrate Christmas?

We are trying our best to instill in our children the REAL meaning of Christmas.  I feel like always fall short though…I can always do better.  I think we did/do a better job of talking to Trigger about Jesus, his teachings, reading the bible, etc.  Campbell doesn’t get the one on one that Trigger got.  We are trying though.  I want our children to know that Christmas isn’t all about the presents…presents are fun…but that isn’t the reason we celebrate.  It is so hard to not get caught up in the material/fun side of christmas.  Santa and elves moving about our house…and cookie decorating…and opening presents…and eating big meals with family…those are all SO MUCH fun!  It is sometimes hard to teach our children how important the day is JUST BECAUSE JESUS WAS BORN…NOT because of all the other stuff.  Oh sure…they can give you the sunday school answer of “why do we celebrate Christmas?”….”Jesus was born.”  But they just don’t get the importance of the day…even I fall short and get caught up in the worldly christmas.  Im not sure why I just went into that little tangent other than to share my feelings. 

I bought Larkins outfit back in July or august as a preorder.  I fell in love with it because it was just so sweet…and has the nativity on it.  Campbell just happened to have a handme down from Trigger that matched it.  I had to get a few pictures of them in these sweet outfits.  IMG_0054 copy


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