Sunday, January 27, 2013

Ella Cate’s Birthday

Larkin and I went to Ella Cate’s birthday party in December.  It is really hard for me to believe that she is TWO!  This seems to be something I am saying over and over but my WORD, TIME FLIES!!!!  The project/favors was PRECIOUS!  Chasten had Buffy Walker paint the background, leotard, and name on the canvas.  Chasten did the handprints for the tutu at the party.  Larkins turned out so cute.  I have it up in her room. 

IMG_9985IMG_9986Love this picture…I can’t tell you how many projects that Chasten and I have worked on together!!!!  TOO many too count!IMG_9990IMG_9991Chastens grandmother and Ella CateIMG_9995I LOVE this dollhouse…larkin will definitely need one of these next year!IMG_9996I took pictures so Chasten’s dad held Larkin for me.  I was surprised that she stayed with him because she can be pretty clingy.  IMG_0002Chasten’s grandmother got Ella cate some real uggs…LOVE THEM!  I hope she takes good care of them.  HAHAHa!IMG_0006IMG_0024IMG_0035I truly don’t know how Chasten ever tells her no.  Look at those eyes!  Just beautiful!!!!  IMG_0040

I am thinking Campbell for her husband.  Trigger and Ella Cate might clash since they are both first borns.   :)

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