Friday, January 25, 2013

Trigger’s Music Program-Church

Trigger got to sing in church this year for music and missions.  He did a good job.  I always love seeing them get up there and sing.  IMG_9846I have to say that when we saw Trigger in this program, Matt and I started having doubts about our decision to hold him back.  He is already in the 95% for height and weight for his age…and then you put him with children that are a year younger than him and he looks like a giant.  Poor guy.   I know it’s the right decision but things like this make me second guess myself.IMG_9847I thought this was hilarious…I was trying to get a picture of Zizzy with Larkin and Campbell but neither would peel their eyes away from the iphones…TECHNOLOGY IS TAKING OVER!IMG_9848IMG_9852Precious Catherine singing.  IMG_9857I tried to get a picture of them afterwards but they weren’t feeling it! Ha!IMG_9875IMG_9880

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