Thursday, January 24, 2013

Santa Baby

When going through my pictures from December, I found that I had taken quite a few random pictures of my children.  I couldn’t miss putting them on our blog.  IMG_9734

I LOVE this picture below!!!!  It soooo shows their personalities!!!IMG_9735IMG_9749IMG_9754IMG_9765

IMG_0134You gotta love a handmedown john deere shirt…IMG_0150IMG_0159IMG_0177IMG_0188LOVE THOSE EYES!IMG_0199 copy

Trying to figure out my camera settings…BUT, I didn’t have very cooperative boys. :(IMG_9816One Friday night, we went to Jonesboro to look at lights.  I had not been since high school cheerleading days…not much has changed!  The boys liked it.IMG_9824IMG_9825IMG_9830Larkin…along for the ride to Jonesboro. IMG_9831We were able to do a little more decorating at our house this year.  Last year, we were completely rearranging our house because our addition/rennovation had just been completed (NOT A FUN TIME IN MY LIFE).  We barely put up any decorations.  Just two trees and our mantle…that’s it.  So, this year we were back at it…and even adding a few more things.  I LOVE how our wrapped trees turned out.  It was fun to do to.  Matt and I put the kids down at night and we would go outside and get busy decorating.  I love doing projects with Matthew!IMG_9840IMG_9845

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