Tuesday, August 9, 2011


I helped with Vacation Bible School again this year.  Since I was working, Trigger and Campbell got to attend too.  This was the first year that Trigger got to rotate to crafts, music, snacks, gym, etc.  He had the best time.  The interesting thing was that I was in charge of Pre-K (3s, 4s, and kindergarten) crafts….so I got to have Trigger.  I was a little worried about how he would do with me as one of his teachers.  He really did fine…Mrs. Rebecca had to get him in line a few times since he didn’t listen to me!  ;) 

We had a busy week…with a lot of painting.  We have NEVER painted this much….everyday we either painted, used sand, or glittered something.  I’m pretty sure all of the craft workers are looking for a new place to volunteer next year! The crafts did turn out really cute though!!! 

I took a few pictures of Trigger throughout the week…Peach Pageant and VBS 069

Trigger was so excited to see me in the hallway!  And, looks whose hand he is holding.  Yep, Miss Sarah Kate.  Isn’t she absolutely adorable with that red bow and red toms.  Peach Pageant and VBS 084Peach Pageant and VBS 087Peach Pageant and VBS 088

Peach Pageant and VBS 115VBS2 012

It was a great week…the boys were exhausted each day so that meant GOOD NAPS!!!! Campbell actually fell asleep on the way home everyday!

VBS2 002Trigger, of course, did NOT!VBS2 004

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Mrs. Rebecca did not get on to him! He is too precious!!!