Sunday, August 21, 2011

My little monkeys

You really never know what is going to happen around here.
Trigger got quiet the other day. I went to find him and this is what he was doing. He had removed the Moses basket from the stand and was inside with his alligator.

I was obviously doing laundry. Campbell found these baskets that I had taken out of my pantry. He loves them. He pulls them into the den and sits in them. It can't be comfortable. You see his cup...sippy cup...he still can't drink out of one. He MUST learn bc I'm tired of milk being spilled all over my car.

Sharing a chocolate "muffin" (cupcake)...with NO icing...I'm a mean momma! ;)

Painting with trigger. I love doing fun things with him while campbell is napping.

This little boy climbs everywhere. You have to keep your eye on him!

And when he gets caught or is being teased....

Me and t having fun with the new iPhone camera!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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