Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Did I mention?

That I’m going to have THREE children, ages 3.5 and under!!!!  WOW!

Hood Family Beach Trip 2011 084I took the boys picture while holding the baby’s ultrasound…great idea that’s been done millions of times…except obviously NOT with my boys who do not care about the picture…NOR do they care to have their picture taken.  AND, I might add that it was a spur of the minute thing and Trigger had picked out his clothes…and he’d picked out Campbell’s clothes…LOVELY!~

Maybe this is how they really feel about the baby.  C: Whatever, I’m still the baby and still run this place! T: What? another baby?Hood Family Beach Trip 2011 085Hood Family Beach Trip 2011 088This I Trigger’s idea of a sweet kiss.Hood Family Beach Trip 2011 092Hood Family Beach Trip 2011 112Awwww…my sweet, sweet baby!Hood Family Beach Trip 2011 118

yep, pretty sure im about to laugh that I THOUGHT I was busy with these two.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Just catching up...Amy had told me your news, but I hadn't seen anything on Facebook. I didn't want to say anything if it was "hush hush." Anyway, congrats! I'll be praying for a complication-free pregnancy and delivery and a healthy baby!!!