Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Normally, I wouldn’t post about something like this but I wanted to remember it as a first because I’m sure it is something most children go through.  Trigger got bitten at Sunday School a couple of months ago.  Now, I was not the happiest momma when my baby came home (I was home with Campbell…I think he was sick) with a big bite mark on his cheek.  Matt did call me to warn me but when I saw it, I had to control my emotions.  I never thought of myself as the typical momma…and I’m really not.  Being in education and knowing the “other side” of the story, makes each situation like this seem a little different than a momma who has never been on the “other side”.  And, by “other side”, I mean being the teacher in charge when something like this happens.  I know from experience that some children do just bite…they are biters…but I also know that A LOT of those children are provoked in some way.  So, my second thought, after wanting to harm the other child, was “Trigger, what did you do to ___?”  The poor child will never get the benefit of the doubt.  My parents always questioned us and always believed the teacher…that’s how I am.  MOST (and I do mean MOST) parents do not believe the teacher these days and MOST parents do NOT believe their little “johnny” could’ve had any blame in getting bit.  And, that might just be the beginning in the decline in behavior of little people!

Anyway, I immediately left a message for our children’s minister because Matt did NOT ask questions like I would’ve asked.  She called me back immediately and tried to explain to the best of her ability.  No one saw the biting happen.  MOST parents would be livid that the teacher didn’t see it happen.  HOWEVER, being on the other side, I KNOW there is absolutely NO way to see everything happen!!!!!  So, that little fact didn’t bother me.  She told me that Trigger didn’t even come tell the teacher…he just stood there…I don’t think he even cried.  That little fact made me a little sad that he didn’t tell.  I don’t want him bullied…I mean, if he won’t tell when he gets BITTEN ON THE FACE, will he tell when some little child is bullying him. 

Trigger is a tricky little dude.  He is all go…high maintenance…requires a lot of time watching him…but in a group setting, he usually takes a back seat…OR AT LEAST THIS IS WHAT I”VE BEEN TOLD.  I will be interested to see what his teacher says this year.  I have a feeling I will get a true picture of his behavior from her…which is what I want.  I don’t want a sugar-coated picture!!!

Anyway, I just had to insert my little tidbits…not that anyone cares. 

On to the pictures of more poor child’s face. 

Trigger's BITE mark 024Trigger's BITE mark 025Trigger's BITE mark 026

Hmmm..I hope that little child faced some consequences when he got home.  Trigger would have….well, I won’t go there.  It will be BAD…very, very BAD if he ever bites!!!!!!

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