Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Campbell- 1 year

Bless his little heart.  He’s 14.5 months and I’m just now posting about him at 12 months. 

  • Stats: weight- 12 lbs 14 oz.; height- 29 inches; head cir.- 17.9 inches
  • Teeth: At 12 months, you had 8 teeth and had already starting teething signs for your molars.
  • Nickname:  We (mainly I ) call you “punkin eater”.  I don’t know why but we do…and have forever!
  • Physical: You started taking steps 1-2 weeks after your birthday.  The difference between you and your brother is that once you took steps, you never looked back.  You have been walking everywhere since then.  You are into everything.  Your favorite thing to do is to walk back to my bathroom and go through my drawers.  When your brother is asleep, you will hightail it (when I’m not looking) back to Trigger’s room and push on his door.  Sometimes you get lucky and the door wasn’t shut good and you make your way inside.  I guess it’s a little payback for Trigger waking you up all the time. 


  • Personality: Your little personality is FUNNY!  You are a thinker and aren’t as impulsive as Trigger.  You have the most expressive expressions (if that makes sense).  No one will ever have to guess how you are feeling…they can just read it all over your face.  When you don’t get your way, you completely melt down.  Trigger used to cry with anger…you cry as though your heart has been ripped to pieces.  You will cry with your whole mouth open, throw your head back, and then (IN SLOW MOTION) bring your head forward all the way to the ground and just lay there until someone feels sorry for you and picks you up.  You don’t put up with much from Trigger anymore.  You either scream if he’s bothering you or try to push him or pull his clothes.   You were a pretty quiet baby until about  the end of April when we took you to Houston.  You found your voice and have not been nearly as quiet since then. :)


  • Food:  Like I said in a previous post, you stopped eating baby food completely right before your first birthday.  You want eat pasta pick ups or any of the little gerber meals.  I guess that is fine but it makes it difficult to feed you sometimes.  You eat pretty much whatever we feed Trigger.  You had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich right after your first birthday and you LOVE them.  You eat them quite often for lunch…this is funny to me because Trigger didn’t get to TOUCH peanut butter until he was two.  You hated fruit and vegetables right after your baby food boycott.  However, I have gotten you to eat a lot of fruit now and some vegetables.  You still aren’t a very healthy eater which really bothers me because Trigger eats pretty healthy.  You LOVE, LOVE, LOVE french fries!!!!!!  (also one of the things Trigger wasn’t allowed to have) You now drink whole milk with each of your meals and occasionally get a fruitable juice box.  The rest of the time you drink water.


  • Sleep: You take two good naps a day.  Both your morning and afternoon nap are anywhere from an hour to two hours long….and have even taken two 3 hour naps a few days (THOSE WERE AMAZING DAYS…haha).  You sleep all night. We bathe you and Trigger together and you both get your pajamas on in your room.  Then, Daddy takes Trigger to his room to read books and say his prayers.  I usually give you a little bit of milk, rock you, and put you down around 7:30 at night.   You are THE biggest snuggler.  I’m pretty sure you would let me hold you ALL day and night if I would be willing.  You curl up on my shoulder and STILL suck your two right fingers…and you play with my hair.  THAT is absolutely my FAVORITE!!!  Daddy and Zizzy love it too.


  • Talking: At one year, you were not saying any words.  You would babble a lot and even say “da-da” all the time but it wasn’t really for your daddy.  I was really concerned that you would have to be in speech too but decided that we would not do anything until 15 months.  Currently, at 14.5 months, you say a few words: mama, dada, teetee (I know that’s weird but he hears me say it a million times a day when I ask Trigger if he needs to go “teetee”), thank you (which sounds like “teh teh" ….it’s really sweet because he will tell you thank you when you hand him food and we really haven’t worked on it.)


  • You are taking real vitamins just like your brother.  We don’t even have to crush them up.  You take a flinstone and a flouride.  You have to take these because of my blood clotting disorders that can pop up in you at anytime.  These should cover you for one of them since it has folic acid and b6 and b12…the other vitamins did not have those things. 


  • At your one year appt, Dr. Slusher was still concerned about your growth and weight gain…because you weren’t eating or drinking good (still boycotting) AND because you have always been petite.   In fact, I just remembered that I was suppose to take you in for a weight check …probably need to do that.  However, I’m not really concerned.  You are a CHUNK!!!  On most days (now), you eat more than Trigger does!
  • Favorite book: “That’s Not My Truck”  You could read this book over and over and over!!!

And just for fun…here is a picture of you at your newborn dr. visit and one from your 12 month dr visit.

Campbell 007IMG_5538

My sweet boy, you have grown so much.  We love you more than you could ever imagine.  I truly couldn’t imagine my life without my sweet, sweet Campbell!!!!!

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