Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Trigger’s first Fishing Trip

I seriously need to post about Campbell at 12 months.  HOWEVER, I really need to get caught up and I don’t have Campbell’s stats right here with me sooooo, I will just pass it up for right now. 

In June, we took Trigger to my papaw’s pond in Dubach to go on a little fishing trip.  Trigger was oh SO excited.  He really just liked playing with his fishing rod but that’s a start.  I really didn’t expect much because I fished in my papaw’s ponds all the time growing up and it seemed like we NEVER caught anything…Trigger (really Matt…or me) caught quite a few fish.  We did throw them back because we didn’t have plans of a fish fry with the baby fish (they were pretty small).  My sweet husband sat there and baited my hook and Trigger’s hook and kept Trigger from killing any of us and I don’t think he got to fish at all.  Campbell was there but he sat in the stroller the whole time.

Sunday morning and random 020Reeling in his FIRST fish!Sunday morning and random 023Sunday morning and random 028Sunday morning and random 030Sunday morning and random 032

It was fun but hot!  And Trigger’s attention span didn’t last long!…actually, it lasted about as long as mine did!  haha!

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