Saturday, August 20, 2011

Fun with zizzy

A couple of weeks ago, the boys and I headed to Monroe with zizzy, Abby, and Sydney. We started out by shopping at dillards for some school shoes. I wish I could say that I took pictures of that but there was no way I could've gotten pictures. Trigger likes to shop. He was excited that he was getting to pick some shoes...he's never, ever been with me when I've bought shoes. And, after that little trip, he never will again!!! He picked flame shoes, light up shoes, all black tennis shoes, etc. I finally gave him two options and he chose one. That was NOT fun. Campbell did awesome and stayed in the stroller the whole time. Sydney didn't get any but Abby got some adorable sperrys!!!!
Afterwards, we all went to build a bear! Trigger picked an alligator right away! I was relieved bc I did NOT want a camo bear...believe me, I know that day is coming soon enough!

Trigger was still not a fan of the "dryer". He would NOT go near it. He kept saying "you dry him, momma". He has gotten better about loud sounds but he's ultra-sensitive to loud noises.

Afterwards, we ate lunch. Then, we rode the carousel several times.

Then, we had a cookie and an icee.

Even this little guy got some cookie...and snuck a few sips of triggers icee.

One more ride on the carousel. I had to remove trigger from the spinning teacup bc he looked a little green!

And I'd say he likes his alligator ("saint"). This is how he walked throughout the whole mall!

And, after a change of clothes, saint had to take a nap!

It was a fun little outing but I must say that I was exhausted afterwards.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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