Sunday, August 21, 2011

Johnnys reward

Last Thursday, trigger had his speech evaluation. I had promised him that we would go eat if he listened and did what miss Amanda asked. He did pretty good as he can do. He just can't sit still for long at all.
He did qualify for speech so we will start therapy tomorrow afternoon.
Matt already had plans to go eat with some friends so I took the boys to johnnys. It was the first time I had taken both of them o eat by myself. I know most of you think that's crazy but trigger is a major flight risk and constantly needs attention or To go to the bathroom...then, little Campbell isn't always the most cooperative and would like some attention so it usually requires both me and matt. I was definitely feeling brave! I had a big talk with trigger before we went in. And, BOTH boys did great. They sat, ate pizza, and had a good time!!!

We may try eating out by ourselves again soon!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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