Saturday, August 20, 2011

One child=productive momma

Matts mom usually comes to get trigger on Friday mornings. They like to spend some time with him and it gives me a little break to get some things done. Well, this past Friday, I realized just how much more productive I am with one child as opposed to two children. It scares me a tad bc I can only imagine how much more my productiveness will decrease when I go from two to THREE. Trigger's room doesn't have toys in stay in the playroom. But, his room usually stays pretty messy bc trigger likes to change clothes (an average of 3 times a day) and shoes (a million times a day). It drives me INSANE! His drawers are always are usually everywhere! So, I cleaned triggers room after he left for Grammys! I even sent a picture to matt bc I had gotten so much done...oh and I also finally went thru his drawers and "retired" a ton of clothes and pjs that were too small!
Here is his clean room and clean closet. Please excuse that there isnt anything hung on the wall. I never got around to it and I am Soooo glad bc now he will be moving to a new room after the addition is done and this will be the nursery! So, the walls will still be perfect since it was just painted.

Wow. Maybe I need to send one child off more often...or maybe both. Imagine what I could get done with no children for the day! Ha. I would probably sleep if that were the case!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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