Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Father’s Day

We celebrated Father’s day with my dad here at my house for Sunday lunch.  It was fun having my family over to eat. 

Reid fell asleep in my dad’s arms…look at that sweet little face!!!  I sure love a sleeping baby!

Peach Pageant and VBS 046Peach Pageant and VBS 047We attempted to get a picture of the boys with daddy but that was hilarious!!Peach Pageant and VBS 052Trigger loves Reid…however, he’s not so great at being gentle!Peach Pageant and VBS 055Trigger felt like Reid needed to wear his hat….and Campbell was done with all the excitement…he wanted to go to bed.Peach Pageant and VBS 066

By the way, Trigger had on such a cute matching outfit to Campbell…but, he of course shed it before I got a picture! :(  And, I didn’t get a picture of Matt and his boys!  I will say that Matt is the most awesome daddy.  He sacrifices so much for me and for the boys!!!  I am so thankful for him even though I don’t always show it!  Oh and the boys are quite in love with their daddy!!!! 

We did celebrate with Mr. Jerry (Papaw) too but I apparently did not have my camera because I couldn’t find any pictures on my computer! :(

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