Let's start with the Saturday before last (the 20th). It was the best! We did nothing...well, by nothing, I mean that we had no where to be. I had matt get all of the boys clothes out of the attic. It's about 15 big tubs. I wanted to go back through them. Try to reorganize. AND, I was thinking that if we found out we were having a little girl, I was getting rid of all those baby boy clothes. :(
Then, we went to eat lunch at Chilis.

On Sunday, we (the boys and I) went to squire creek to eat lunch with my family. Isn't this picture of sydney and trigger just adorable.

Campbell was exhausted from the excitement of the morning and passed out on the way home from eating.

Monday morning- trigger had occupational therapy. That has become an ordeal bc he hates it. His therapist is great. Shes so much fun but firm!!! However, he cried the first 50 minutes (of 60 min). After crying...not just crying but screaming... so long, he had what dr slusher told us to call an "episode". Eyes fixed into space, complete silence (after screaming at volume ten), and tongue curled. Very strange. It lasted about 8-10 seconds and then he started wailing again and was exhausted. You probably can't tell from the picture but he had weird spots on his face that afternoon...I guess from crying so much.

We had to go to dr Slusher (per the therapist recommendation) on Thursday to see what the "episode" could be.
Okay. Let's back up. I'm getting ahead of myself...
Monday afternoon-trigger had his first speech therapy session. He has started back for articulation on words and for expression. He seemed to like Miss Amanda. However, he was still exhausted from his episode.

Tuesday- Liz, Campbell, trigger, and I headed to Shreveport. Because trigger was a preemie, he had to go for eye check ups. He was suppose to go for one at 2 years and I completely forgot...hmmm. Maybe bc
I had a newborn at home! ;) anyway, we are just now going. I didn't have any concerns but matt has horrible vision so we went just to make sure. It took forever!!!!

Trigger watched tv, played, and chewed alot of gum...we've found that it seems to help him stay a little calmer. ;) he, of course, got his eyes dilated. They use a spray and tell them to close their eyes. He did really good.

When they initially tested him, he failed with his right eye. The dr thought he would be leaving with glasses. However, they retested and he did great. Who knows!
Tuesday night- we prepared for
Our big ultrasound. I had my family guess what we were going to have...these were the guesses
Girl- liz, daddy, Deanna, Vanna, Chelse
Boy- Seth, lance, Karen/Sydney
I can't remember the other votes. My sister requested a picture of my belly before she guessed. I did not comply bc I was already in bed and didn't want to get up. I did send her one the next day. And, Check out who is on my hip. Yep, that little attachment that we call Campbell!

And the results from the ultrasound.....
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