Saturday, May 28, 2011

Our life

Our life is messy but fun!  Most days the playroom is completely destroyed…and most days the rest of the house is too!  Oh and MOST days (no lie) we all change clothes about 3 times!  and Trigger changes shoes about 8 or 9 times.  I get a little bothered by the fact that I have to pick up his shoes from every nook and crany in my house!In church clothes- april 10, 2011 012A lot of days, I don’t have to wear makeup (if we aren’t going anywhere)…THAT is an AWESOME perk of being a stay at home mom!  Because, guess what?  My boys don’t really care if I have on make up.  They love me NO MATTER WHAT!  Well…except for when I make them go to the corner…I’m not so sure they love me so much then!  ;)In church clothes- april 10, 2011 024

But, OH HOW I LOVE these days of destroying and no makeup.  Those are the fun days…these are the days that will soon be filled with school and homework and after school activities.  I’m trying to savor these short, short years!

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