Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Meeting Harold, the bunny

Okay…so I’m about to have to back it up a couple of months and try to get caught up on pictures again.  I hate being behind and honestly, I feel it’s pointless for me to go back and blog about things that happened 2 months ago…well, it’s not exactly pointless but it wouldve been a lot better of a post if I had blogged about it right away while things were fresh on my mind so I could tell funny stories about what happened.  Oh well, I will try my best!

My brother, Lance, has a girlfriend, Chelse, that has a bunny.  She named him Harold because she thought it sounded like a wise name.  The funny thing that she didn’t know when naming him is that my grandfather’s (Liz’s dad) name is Harold.  So, Papaw and the bunny share a wise name!  haha!  Anyway, Chelse was at my parents house and had her bunny so I took the boys over there to see him…this was still during tax season so I needed some weekend activities (and naptime bribery) for the boys.  Trigger was so excited and, OF COURSE, Campbell just gave the bunny a look!  haha…I just love his little personality!

Here are a few pictures before we left to see Harold.  This was the first time they had on shorts…so these were obviously a while back.  I thought they looked cute matching so I tried to get some pictures…hahahaha…that was hysterical.  Do you see Trigger’s face in the first picture?  I was busy taking pictures but he had just kicked Campbell…and that is why Campbell is wailing.  Now, don’t be feeling all sorry for little Campbell.  Even though he does get tortured by his big brother, he totally knows how to get Trigger in trouble by turning on the water works…he’s a smart kid!

Matt's truck and matching plaid 025“Sorry, Camel”Matt's truck and matching plaid 026

And he made it worse by giving him a hug (aka TACKLING him).Matt's truck and matching plaid 028

Here is Trigger holding Harold.Matt's truck and matching plaid 063Matt's truck and matching plaid 066Matt's truck and matching plaid 068And Campbell grabbing Harold’s ear!Matt's truck and matching plaid 069

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