Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My Bloody Nose

Campbell loves to grab my nose…especially while I am nursing him.  He’s pretty rough on me.  Often he will stick his finger up my nose really hard and then my outer nostril and pinch…it’s NOT pleasant.  One night we were playing around and I was holding Campbell…I wasn’t paying attention and Campbell stuck his finger up my nose, HARD AND FAST.  I started whining and crying and Matt was telling me to stop being so dramatic…that it wasn’t that big of a deal.  I told him it was  hurting really bad (the whole time I’m holding my nose).  I pulled my hand away and my nose had blood pouring out.  My son gave me a bloody nose!!!!  Campbell in Crab outfit 268Matt took some fun pictures while I recovered! :)Campbell in Crab outfit 275Campbell in Crab outfit 283Campbell in Crab outfit 292Campbell in Crab outfit 294

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