Monday, May 30, 2011

Easter at MDO

Trigger had an Easter egg hunt with his MDO class.   It was a pretty chaotic day because we had to be up bright and early that morning to take Campbell to get tubes.  I really need to post about that later!  Liz came over bright and early to be there when Trigger woke up.  She got him dressed and fed.  When Matt and I brought Campbell home, Karen had dropped Sydney off.  A huge storm was passing through so Liz waited a little bit and took Trigger and Sydney to school.  Easter- 2011 (Trigger's MDO party) 021After Liz got home, I handed Campbell to her and went up to the church to see Trigger find his Easter eggs….I really should’ve just taken them to school but I didn’t want to just drop Campbell off with Liz right after getting tubes…I wanted him to get home and try to put him down for a nap.  When I got to “school”, Trigger’s class was out in the hallway, ready to go hunt for eggs.  They had to find them in the gym because it was storming.Easter- 2011 (Trigger's MDO party) 023Trigger and Sarah Kate.Easter- 2011 (Trigger's MDO party) 027And, he’s off!Easter- 2011 (Trigger's MDO party) 032He loved all the eggs that looked like balls.Easter- 2011 (Trigger's MDO party) 035Easter- 2011 (Trigger's MDO party) 036Easter- 2011 (Trigger's MDO party) 039Trigger and DrakeEaster- 2011 (Trigger's MDO party) 054Easter- 2011 (Trigger's MDO party) 055Trigger and his cousin, Anna GraceEaster- 2011 (Trigger's MDO party) 057Trigger’s teacher, Mrs. LindaEaster- 2011 (Trigger's MDO party) 062Me and my sweet boy!Easter- 2011 (Trigger's MDO party) 063

After we took this picture, we headed home, changed into our pjs and enjoyed the rainy day inside!

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