Saturday, May 28, 2011

BOWLING with the 5-10

A couple of months ago our Sunday school class (called 5-10 because it consists mostly of couples that have been married for 5 to 10 years) went bowling at the new Tech bowling alley.  It was so much fun.  We started off by eating pizza and a little dessert.  Then, we got busy bowling.  I did NOT do good but I did have cute socks.  Ha!  Our boys (and most of the other children) were at church playing.  I was a little concerned about Campbell because he doesn’t do great with late nights.  However, he made it until we were finished bowling.  YAY!!! 

Here are few pictures from our fun night!

Me and Rebecca Williams

SS class bowling night 011Me and Matthew with our awesome socks…and we really didn’t plan to be opposite with our blue and red.  Matt bought our socks right before we went.  AND, yes, I did get told that I look like Waldo from Where’s Waldo books!  Haha!SS class bowling night 012Me and Heather PattersonSS class bowling night 018SS class bowling night 013I have no words!SS class bowling night 020I’m the “G”…not so great!SS class bowling night 024Gabe’s formSS class bowling night 025And, Matt’s form!SS class bowling night 026Gerry and Rebecca WilliamsSS class bowling night 027

Me and my sweet husband!SS class bowling night 018

Oh and so I will remember this (you won’t care about this!), I have been wearing my hair curly quite often…this is because my life is rather busy with the two little tornadoes so it’s just easier to wash, spray, dry, and go!  I did NOT get a perm though…I haven’t moved back into the 80’s…I did ROCK a perm in the 80’s!!!

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