Friday, May 28, 2010

The COUNTDOWN has begun!!!

I talked to Dr. Harper today (while he was working at “the farm”.  He scheduled me for a csection at the hospital on Thursday, June 3rd.  I have to tell you that I am very nervous about doing the right things and getting everything done.  Mrs. Flo (Dr. Harper’s nurse) is out of town…which is why Dr. Harper is out of the office (yesterday-next friday).  He is such a kind man.  Dr. Harper is coming in when he has NO other patients to deliver by csection during his week off.  He could’ve made me wait until after he got back, but he didn’t AND I AM SO VERY thankful.  Anyway, like i was saying, it makes me nervous because you know that the doctors don’t usually give the patients the details.  So, Dr. Harper was giving me the run-down on my heparin injections.  I have to take my last one (before Campbell…I have to start back afterwards for SIX weeks) on Tuesday night.  I have to stop my aspirin tonight.  I go for an NST (non-stress test) tomorrow (Saturday) and Tuesday.  Then, he says, “when you go for blood work…you need to write this down because i don’t have anything to write on…you need to have your PT and PTT checked.”  My response (like an idiot), “What blood work?  When?  Where?” He answered my questions about the bloodwork.  I’m guessing that Michelle will tell me what time to be there on Thursday and all the other details. My fear is that I will get to the hospital Thursday morning and the nurses will say, “I’m sorry…you can’t have your csection today because of ‘x,y, and z’.”  Wouldn’t that be awful. 

This afternoon I sat in a chair in the den for a couple of hours making lists of things that need to be done…things that need to be bought.  It’s all so overwhelming.  I have been packed but have to really pack myself all over because I’ve pulled out things here and there.  So this weekend, we are gonna work on my lists and spend LOTS of quality time spoiling Trigger!  I’m looking forward to our weekend.  As the last days are dwindling down, it’s bittersweet for me.  I can’t wait to meet our precious Campbell.  BUT I’m so going to miss my one-on-one time with my precious Trigger…who by the way, thinks he’s still a baby.  He sees his pictures and says, “baby, baby” and when I ask him if he’s a big boy, most of the time he will say, “no, no, no”.  So I ask, “are you a baby?” and he nods his head yes.  I’m not sure why I should expect anything different…we constantly say, “baby, stop doing that”…or “go put that up, baby”.  I use the word as a term of endearment…like at school I am known for calling my children “angels”…like “Angel, I need you to sit on your bottom, criss-cross.” or “Angel, I need you to stop coloring on my tables.”  School= Angel; Home= Baby.  You get the idea!  So I guess I will have TWO babies.  :)

Anyway, that is our plan…next Thursday, June 3rd.  Let me share one more thing that makes me nervous before I go…just because I am trying to be real and trying to remember everything on here.  I pumped for 8 months with Trigger.  Most of you probably know that…I was a milking COW.  I had so much milk that I could have fed two (maybe three) babies….60-65 ounces a DAY!  It really was unbelievable…I threw out about 30 boxes with 10 bags in each of them…each of those bags contained about 7 oz. of b.milk.  I was so thankful because Trigger never had any formula…he got b.milk until he was 15 months old!!!!  Anyway, I pumped because Trigger couldn’t breastfeed in the beginning…he was too small and LSU dr.s were too concerned about knowing how much milk he was getting.  By the time, I could’ve started breastfeeding him, I went back to work…WHEN HE WAS FIVE WEEKS (3.5 weeks after we brought him home)!  Please tell how I did that??!?!  Anyway, I plan to breastfeed this time.  Mainly because I can’t pump…not with Trigger climbing the walls and a newborn…I just don’t think I can be strapped to a machine!  So I’m a pumping expert but not so much with breastfeeding.  I hope we can get the hang of it!  Also, I’m so not good at tactfully saying things to people.  So if you come visit and I have to feed the baby, I hope I don’t tell you in a rude way to step out.  I have tried for a long time to say things in a nice way but it always comes across rude.  PLEASE KNOW that I’m trying to be…it’s always a very awkward thing to say that you need everyone to leave so you can bare all and feed your baby!

I’ll be back with some precious pictures of Trigger!

1 comment:

jessie said...

2 more days! i'm expecting a post SHORTLY after birth! ha!