Thursday, May 27, 2010

Nigh, nigh!

One Saturday, Trigger was NOT napping.  I heard him in his room talking…after leaving him for awhile, I finally went in there to get him.  This is what I saw in his bed. 

Bathtime, Catalouie, and Bedtime fun 118 That would be the cord to his sound machine.  He has always been obsessed with cords and electrical outlets…yes, I realize that it’s not safe!  We have moved his bed down again.  But it seems like we might have to move it to the center of the room because everywhere we move it, he finds something dangerous to do! I am told that his mischievousness means he’s smart…I sure hope so because it wears this momma out worrying about him!

After we he decided NOT to nap, he was enjoying just playing in his bed so I left him in there so I could just take some pictures of him! Oh and the main reason he didn’t want to get out: because he didn’t want to give up his “pati” (pacifier).  He’s only allowed to have it in bed!

Bathtime, Catalouie, and Bedtime fun 119

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I absolutely LOVE this picture (actually, I love the one above and below).  He LOVES that bus!!!

Bathtime, Catalouie, and Bedtime fun 156  Bathtime, Catalouie, and Bedtime fun 159

And, he thought we were going to leave him to go to “nigh, nigh”.  Soooo ROTTEN!

Bathtime, Catalouie, and Bedtime fun 177 Trigger had hurt his toes two different times riding his tractor without shoes.  They have taken weeks to heal and he has used those toes for everything.  If he gets in trouble for throwing his food down at the table, he pokes his lips out and starts crying, “toes…toes…toes”.  Ummm…honey, those toes won’t get you out of everything.  The lip, however, does a number on momma! :)

Bathtime, Catalouie, and Bedtime fun 185 Bathtime, Catalouie, and Bedtime fun 186 Can you tell that he uses his toes to stop his tractor?!?!

And he has learned that kissing his injuries makes everything better…even if you have to do it yourself!

Bathtime, Catalouie, and Bedtime fun 191 Or give it a little lick…YUCK!

Bathtime, Catalouie, and Bedtime fun 194 Bathtime, Catalouie, and Bedtime fun 198 In pregnancy news, I had my appt with Dr. Harper yesterday.  He agreed that 38 weeks would be a good stopping point but had to look over my file, talk to hospital, and look at my non-stress test to make his final decision.  He is not in the office today (thursday) through next Friday.  Sooo if we do a csection, then he will just have to come in on his time off to do it.  LOVE HIM!!!!!  I’m waiting on a call from him to make the final decision about a day, what to do with my heparin, etc. Oh and I will definitely be having a csection.  If this talk bothers you, you can stop reading.  Dr. Harper checked me and of course there was NO change (nothing has happened…not dialated).  He predicted my first appt with him when I was pregnant with Trigger that I would not be able to deliver vaginally because of a small pelvis but said that the pelvis can do amazing things.  When we delivered Trigger (4lbs 5oz), LSU dr.s said there was no way I could deliver a baby bigger than him…and that it was hard for Trigger to make it through.  So, when Dr. Harper checked me yesterday, I asked if Campbell had dropped at all.  He said, “NOPE and he won’t!” What?  Dr. Harper said my pelvis is small in two areas.  The top area is so small that it won’t even allow Campbell to drop down.  Then, if he did get through there, he couldn’t make it past the bottom part of my pelvis because it’s too small.  He said he was surprised that I delivered a 4lb baby because he would guess that I’d have trouble with a 3 pounder.  SOOOOO…i will definitely be having a c-section and i’m thinking that I might be seeing a leg come out of my throat ANY day now. A C-section is NOT my first choice of course but I KNOW without a doubt that Dr. Harper does NOT do csections unless they are ABSOLUTELY necessary.  That’s what I love about him.  He’s by the book and very old school.  Dr. Harper is not c-section happy!  The great news is that I will not have to labor for two WHOLE days this time!!!!  However, I guess I will be trading that in for the pain I will have afterwards! ;)

Gotta LOVE being a woman. 


Emery Wilkerson said...

After having labored FOREVER like you... (31 hours) I was VERY HAPPY to have a c-section! And the recovery was not bad at all!! Now it hurt to stand up straight for the first day or two afterwards but aside from that, it was fine! You will do great!!! Can't wait!!! And I love those pictures of Trigger.. Priceless!

Melissa said...

Hey, Garson! This is Melissa, Amanda's friend. I've been following your blog for a little while now and just wanted to say that the whole pelvis thing was exactly why I had to have a c-section and why my baby never dropped. Of course, it took a whole night of being on pitocin and trying to do it the natural way, then succombing to a c-section for the doc to realize it, but now we know!

As far as the pain of the c-section, it's really not that bad and considering that you've been having to give yourself shots everyday and you said you've been having a lot of pain at night. I think you'll be fine!!

jessie said...

i'm so glad you made it this far! congrats! i had a c-section after 23 hours and it was a God-send! you'll be fine! i had some issues that most people don't so my recovery was a little tougher than most but after the first week and a half or so we were good to go! you'll do great!

i probably shouldn't have told you some of this. :)