Tuesday, May 11, 2010

So many pictures, so little time!

I have so many pictures I want to post but I don’t have time to post all of them.  First, let me tell you that I had my weekly dr. appt this week.  Dr. Harper was in the best mood and I was not in a good mood was trying keep my cool while he laughed at me.  He is always amused by my crazy, anal behavior.  I have been a little cranky lately.  HOWEVER, I do have to say that those of you that are my fb friends, I have not thrown any pots or pans at my husband (nor any person, animal, or object).  I may have THOUGHT about throwing a pot or pan, however, I have done nothing of the sort.  I think Dr. Harper is just so thankful that I have made it so far that he’s almost giddy!  I guess my giddy and thankfulness is being overtaken by the hormones.  Today is exactly the day in pregnancy that I delivered Trigger.  It looks as though we are going to make it past that point. YAY!  The bad part is that in my mind since I’ve made it past delivery point of Trigger, that everything is hunky dorey!  Truth is that we were very blessed that Trigger came out breathing.  We had been told that he would NOT.  So we still need Campbell to stay inside of me for a couple of weeks.  I would be ABSOLUTELY thrilled if we could make it until next Thursday.  I will be 36 weeks at that point.  Dr. Harper said that he still thinks my body/blood pressure will take over at some point but that IF NOT, we will maybe do an amnio at 37 weeks…I shared my disproval of the amnio.  MAINLY because they were going to do one with Trigger…had me in the room to do it and couldn’t find ANY pockets of fluid to stick the needle.  HOWEVER, they did show me the needle and those of you that know me, KNOW that I might have to be put to sleep just to get that needle NEAR my belly.  If my bp makes it to 37 weeks, I’m pretty sure it will sky rocket on that table waiting for an amnio!  OH MY WORD! Anyway, my bp has been higher than it should be the last few days and I had protein in my urine today.  Who knows if that was a fluke or if we are about to see some action.  There is just no way of knowing!

Okay…back to pictures.  Matt and I went on a date a couple of weeks ago.  Matt’s parents kept Trigger at our house.  We went to see Date Night…very funny movie…and went to the Bistro.  We haven’t been on a date since Trigger was born…21 months.  Pretty sad.  We really, really enjoyed getting out for the night and of course I had to document with a picture!

New Camera- Misc 090 And then I just came across these pictures.  Trigger is eating an oreo.  I’m not really sure why.  He doesn’t usually get things like that unless he poops in the potty but this might have just been a weak moment on my part.  Who knows?!

Bathtime, Catalouie, and Bedtime fun 024Bathtime, Catalouie, and Bedtime fun 026

Bathtime, Catalouie, and Bedtime fun 032

Bathtime, Catalouie, and Bedtime fun 034

What I want to know is how in the world Trigger knows that the best part is the inside.  He immediately takes the oreo apart and tries to eat the icing off the middle. 

I’m gonna stop there for today with the pictures.  I’m about to do a separate post  to tell a story that I had forgotten to tell until I had a little reminder!

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