Tuesday, May 11, 2010


That is a question I ask ALL the time.  Seriously, I sometimes don’t know whether to laugh or cry!  A few weeks ago I had one of those moments that NO parent wants to deal with.  It was a normal Friday morning…Liz was going to pick up Sydney from the office and then come to my house to pick up Trigger.  Yes, she now has a bus route on Fridays after her exercising at the church.  POOR IZZY!  Anyway, she had called me to tell me that she would be to our house in a little bit.  I took Trigger to the back so I could dry my hair quickly because I needed to go have my nonstress test done at the hospital after they left.  In the meantime, Jennifer (my SIL) called to see if she could come measure a curio cabinet that we were giving away…I said SURE!  Soooo…I am frantically drying my hair.  Trigger was running back and forth from our bedroom to our bathroom.  I had not seen him in about 30 seconds so I peaked around the door into our bedroom.  WHAT DO I SEE????????  I see my child holding a medicine bottle in one hand and he’s chewing away.  It was a prescription bottle.  I SCREAMED “NO”….like at the TOP of my lungs…I have never screamed that loud in front of him.  In response, HE SCREAMED/CRIED/WAILED at the top of his lungs.  I know my screaming scared him to death but it gave me a perfect opportunity to fish out all the particles of the pill.  Let me back up…I keep my medicine in my drawer of my nightstand.  I have a really hard time remembering to take medicine so I have found that having it right next to my bed is the ONLY way I can remember.  He had opened the drawer…not shocking. BUT, he had unscrewed the CHILD PROOF LID…that is SHOCKING!  I mean I even have a hard time sometimes.  Oh and when I reached him, there were pills all over the floor….OH AND WHAT WAS HIS MEDICINE OF CHOICE?????  MY BLOOD PRESSURE MEDICINE!!!!  Why couldn’t he have chosen the nasty prenatal vitamin because I can guarantee he would’ve spit that nasty thing out!  But NO he went for the harmful stuff! 

Back to the story, after I fished out the pieces, I picked up Trigger and I put them on the counter in the bathroom.  AGAIN, the poor baby was petrified by my reaction so I tried to comfort him and picked up my cell phone.  WHO DID I CALL?  nope…not poison control…in fact, that didn’t even cross my mind!  I should be shot…why didn’t I think of that?  I CALLED MATT.

Me (FRANTIC VOICE): MATT, I was drying my hair and i looked into the bedroom and he was eating one of my bp pills. (like always i gave TOO many unimportant details)

Matt (Calm voice): Well, why are you calling me?

ME: what do you mean…

Matt: Call the dr.

Me: Dr. Slusher? 

Matt: yes

Hang up…dial Dr. Slushers office.  Receptionist tried to put me on hold… until I explained and she quickly got a nurse.

Nurse: Ma’am, you are gonna need to call poison control

Me:  (**ding, ding, ding***) OKAY

Nurse: do you have the number

ME: NOPE…(again…what is wrong with me…i’m so anal, yet I don’t have the number posted somewhere)

Nurse: it’s ….

Hang up…dial poison control.  AND I THOUGHT THIS WAS A LITTLE FUNNY…but not in a funny way….she put me on HOLD!!!!!!  While on HOLD, Jennifer, Anna Grace, Liz and Sydney all come walking into the house.  ME: come on in and have a seat.  Trigger has gotten into my bp meds…i’m on the phone with the poison control…i’m sure he’ll be fine though…(and I duck back into my room)

P.C. lady: What is the problem

Me: my child chewed up my lebatalol pill.

P.C.lady: Exactly how much, ma’am, because this is a very dangerous one.

Me: I’m not sure but I have the left over pieces and I can try to put it back together

PC lady: Definitely do that because we need to know exactly how much.

Me: (frantically putting the pill back together…good thing I love puzzles and am good at them…never thought that would be handy in life) I really don’t think he got anything except the particles that melted between the broken pieces…so just granuals.

PC lady: Okay..now you said this was lebatalol.

me: YES

PC LADY: how much does he weigh

me: 28 lbs

PC Lady: OH….Okay…so this pill isn’t as dangerous as I thought.  He can have 260 mil. of it without it doing ANY harm.  (one of my pills is only 100 mil. and he only had granuals)

me: WHEW…

PC LADY: I’ll call back in 5 hours to check on him because that med will take that long to effect him. 


Hang up…sigh of relief! I’m sweating right now just reliving the whole thing!  Oh my word.  That child is going to put me IN THE GRAVE early! ha!

I had several thoughts way after the fact (concerning me):

1. If trigger can handle up to 260 without them being worried, why in the world am I only taking 100mil pills?

2. It takes 5 hours to effect his little body, how long does it take to do anything to me…

I might should check into some more effective blood pressure medicine!


I know this isn’t the last time this kindof thing will happen…I just hope it’s not any more dangerous than this time!!!!


Gabe said...

So I guess this is a good time for Matt and I to go down to McKinney's a see if we can get a 2-4-1 deal on guns safes?! I could hear you word for word on the phone by just reading it!!! LOL

jessie said...

this makes me feel better about letting my child play with glass! not that you "let" your son have your pills, but you know what i mean... b/c of this post i will have poison control's number posted on my fridge tonight!