Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Random thoughts

1. I don’t ever want Matt and I to get a harley or other motorcycle and go riding…sorry if this is your thing but it’s not mine and don’t want it to be mine.

2. I’m so ready to go to Dr. Jones on Thursday…it’s killing me that it’s been three weeks since our last ultrasound.  I know…I know…I have issues but I want to know that everything is okay!

3. I don’t understand why I have such a weird way of describing things…been told that my entire life.  Today I tried to describe to Dr. Harper how the baby’s movements have changed from a fluid motion to a more rigid motion…he laughed and told me that the baby’s probably not going to be a good dancer.  haha! 

4. I love how Dr. Harper knows how to handle me and my quirks!  I just wish Dr. Jones knew how to take me too!

5. I saw a FB post from Brooke about how she wondered if it was wrong that she was in awe of how beautiful her children were she admired them after they had gone to sleep….IS IT wrong of me that Matt and I do not DARE go into Trigger’s bedroom after he’s asleep…i would LOVE to go admire him but would NOT risk him waking up because he is a VERY light sleeper…I guess I’m a horrible momma.  PLUS, it’s so dang dark in his room that i wouldn’t be able to see a thing anyway!

6. I’ve got to learn how to STOP procrastinating.  Can you even learn such a thing?  Maybe there is a support group out there…haha!  I still have so much that needs to be done before the baby arrives.  I really need to clean my room in a desperate way in case someone has to come spend the night here.

7. I think KNOW that I am gonna sooo miss having a baby in my tummy moving around.  This will be our last little miracle because of health issues so it’s bittersweet that it’s coming to an end!

8.  I am so thankful that Mrs. McCoy is taking care of my children at school.  Those 13 children are “MY” other children and are very important to me.  So I’m glad someone I can trust is teaching them. 

9. My belly (fundal measurement) hasn’t changed in three weeks and I’m trying not to push any panic buttons!  Thankfully, I am going for non-stress tests twice a week and will go for an ultrasound on Thursday. 

10. I have not slept well in awhile.  However, my favorite dr. prescribed me some AMBIEN.  I usually hallucinate when I take it but I don’t care…somethings got to change or this household is gonna be an unpleasant place to be.

Okay…TEN is enough random thoughts.

For MOTHER’s DAY, my sweet husband bought this camera for me. 

9757839 Larger Front

NOTHING compares to my SLR (I’m just an SLR kindof girl) but I needed a camera that I could carry around in my purse and use quickly.  Sometimes its just too  hard to carry around my big camera.

Here are few pictures of Trigger that i took with my new camera.  I still have to learn how to use it.  These pictures are of Trigger at breakfast.  He started twisting his fingers and was so proud of himself.

New Camera- Misc 037 

New Camera- Misc 038 Trigger’s speech therapist has told us that he needs to drink everything out of straw cups…no more real sippy cups.  We are hoping this will strengthen his muscles. 

New Camera- Misc 045

New Camera- Misc 048

New Camera- Misc 051  WOW….Trigger looks more and more like my little brother, Seth.  Most of our friends say he looks just like Matt but I think that would be because they do NOT know Seth.  I have GOT to find a picture of Seth at this age…that hair and eye and skin coloring are identical to Seth.  And he acts a little like Seth too…DIFFICULT…haha…just kidding, Seth! I mean Trigger is difficult but I don’t think it’s from his uncle…that part he probably gets straight from his momma and daddy! :)

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