Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy Birthday!

Today my mom would have turned 56.  Here is a picture of her with me when I was about 18 months.  Hmmm…think Trigger looks anything like me???? nah…probably not…i just carried the boy for a little while in my belly…why would he look like me! :)   Just for fun…here is one of me and Trigger.  However, Trigger was only about 4 months old in this picture.

Trigger and Mommy- 4monthsmom2

And here is one of Trigger at about the same age as me in the picture above.  This is actually the picture that Barnes took to be displayed in the Children’s Shoppe.  I love how it turned out!


And, here is one of my mom, me, and Will on vacation in Tenn.  I guess we left Seth at home…haha!  Sorry, Seth!mom1 Whew…I made it through another mother’s day and birthday.  It’s CRUEL that they are so close! :)


jessie said...

i LOVE old family photos! kudos to you for actually posting some! you never told the crazy trigger story from a few posts back.... or did i miss it? i'm still waiting!

StephMilton said...

That last picture is how I remember your mom!