Saturday, May 22, 2010

Our Saturday

We have had an excellent Saturday.  We woke up early…and then we did something we have NEVER done with Trigger.  We went to Huddle House for breakfast.  He LOVED it.  I have pictures on my other camera but it’s in my car and I am not walking out in the heat to get it.  So I will post those later.  I do have one from Matt’s phone…

Huddle House After we went to Huddle House, we went to Walmart to get some things that I knew we needed at the house before Campbell arrives.  While we were there, we bought Trigger a little pool.  When we came home, we put up all the walmart stuff.  Then, I striped Trigger down with the intentions of putting his swimsuit on to go get in his NEW POOL!  However,  I got distracted with my list.  Oh…I forgot to mention that my goal for this weekend was to get EVERYTHING on THE list completed.  The problem (like all my lists I ever make) is that I mark one thing off and add another 2-3 things.  Anyway, I had told Matt that he was in charge of keeping me on task.  He HAS helped accomplish alot today!

Back to the distraction….Trigger was running around naked pulling his puppy on a string (that he’s had since Christmas but just now really discovered). I would share those pictures but most are inappropriate and I don’t want him to kill me in 10 years….haha…because I’m SURE he wont kill me for the underwear on the head pictures from a few days ago. :)  Oh wait…this one isn’t that inappropriate.

Swimming in alligator pool 023

I did turn at one point and found him with his camo boots on (remember our obsession with shoes)…he was laid up in my chair reading a book.  I thought these pictures were funny!

Swimming in alligator pool 029

Swimming in alligator pool 031

We finally made it outside around 11.  Trigger did NOT like it at all…in his defense, the water was COLD!  He cried and we finally went inside WHICH made him cry even more because I swear that the child could LIVE outside! 

Trigger took about an hour nap.  When he got up, he had a LITTLE bitty lunch and we went to Mommy’s school. I had to drop off my scrapbooks for graduation.  SCRAPBOOKS were at the top of my to-do list…MARK THAT OFF.  WHEW…I finally finished those dang time consuming precious scrapbooks….haha…I really do like the scrapbooks it’s just that they take FOREVER!

 Scrapbook school

When we got back from school, I (with Trigger’s help) made a pound cake for my brother’s bday tomorrow. 

Swimming in alligator pool 034 Now, we will see if it makes it to him.  I have already had a piece. :) I just couldn’t resist!

At some point Trigger decided he wanted his boots on again instead of his tennis shoes, so he sat patiently in the playroom and put them on.  He came out with them on the right feet…I asked him to bring me his tennis shoes.  He went back to the playroom and brought them to me.  The child is GREAT at following directions WHEN HE WANTS TO!  Anyway, this is what I saw when he brought them back to me.

Swimming in alligator pool 038

Do you see what I see? He did exactly what he sees me do all the time.  He took his shoes off, took his socks off, and then he stuffed one sock in each shoe.  I LOVE IT.  HOW ORGANIZED is this little boy.  It was a fluke, I’m sure.  BUT I STILL LOVE IT!

Tonight, Trigger decided that he LOVES his pool…probably because the water was warm after being out in the sun all day.  Tomorrow will be a whole new ballgame though…he’s the most fickle little boy that I have ever met!

Swimming in alligator pool 045 If you look closely at the picture above, Trigger has an outie belly button…never dreamed I would have a child with an outie because no one in my family has one.  I think it’s cute though.  If you look right above his belly button, you can see the little bulge.  That would be his hernia that he’s had since birth.  It kind of worries me sometimes, but Dr. Slusher said it was fine as long as it doesn’t grow too big!  No one ever told us about his hernia in the NICU.  Dr. Slusher discovered it at one of our first visits…at the same time that the discovered his heart murmur/hole in his heart (also wasn’t detected at LSU).  I will never forget that appt with Dr. Slusher…we so thought we were in the clear to leave with a list of things that were a little “off” with Trigger. NOTHING serious though, thank goodness!

It was hot and Trigger kept asking for his “nilk” but that sounded gross to be drinking milk in the heat while in the pool so I gave him some of my water…of course he wanted COMPLETE control….I have NO idea where he gets that from ;)

Swimming in alligator pool 065

Gabe, Amy, and Baby Nolan came over this evening for a quick visit too.  I FINALY got to hold Nolan.  I didn’t hold him long because he was already hot and my pregnant body was RADIATING heat and I didn’t want to make the poor baby even more hot!  He is just precious.  Trigger pretty much ignored him at first…probably because he was too busy abusing Uncle Gabe! Ha! but then he became very interested in Nolan.  When they left, we asked him if he liked the baby and he said, “i did”!  Hope he likes Campbell too. :)

That was an extremely long post but i wanted to document our FUN day.  And I have to say that my bp has looked good today…it was high this morning but has been good the rest of the day.  I GIVE UP trying to predict it…there is no rhyme or reason to it which is aggravating. 

OH and the great news is that I got HALF of the “to-do” list completed….the other half HAS to happen tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Amy Hogan said...

Thanks for letting us come crash Trigger's swim time! I realized as we were walking away that I didn't even get a good look at the red dresser...and that was one of the main reasons I wanted to come!