Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I went to our specialist last Thursday and he released me to Dr. Harper.  He also sent me away with a prescription for Heparin.  This pregnancy we tried something a little different than what we did with Trigger…in hopes that we would prevent some of the things that went wrong with Trigger.  So far, I have made it past the point I was at when we delivered Trigger.  Last pregnancy, I was on Heparin…which is a blood thinner and helps prevent against blood clots in the placenta (problem I have with Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome)…and it was TWO shots a day…for the ENTIRE pregnancy.  This pregnancy, I was on twice a day heparin for the first 16 or so weeks and then I switched to ONCE A DAY Lovenox.  However, with Lovenox, you can’t have an epidural (maybe not a spinal…i can’t really remember) so I have to change back to Heparin.  The good news is that Heparin is about 800 dollars a month CHEAPER but the bad news is that it’s twice a day.  Oh and one more thing..but this is kindof petty. Lovenox came in this nice little pre-drawn syringe.

lovenox And, with Heparin, you are given the syringes and the viles and have to draw it up yourself!  heparin Shot-heparin syringe

Matt is kind (not sure if KIND is the right word…but we will go with it) enough to administer my shots.  Those of you that know me, know that I have always been petrified of shots.  That’s why I always say that God has a sense of humor bc out of all the people I know (family/close friends), I am the most scared of needles….so much that I used to hyperventilate when getting a shot/having blood drawn…I’ve come a LONG way! However, I still can’t give myself a shot.  I just can’t bring myself to do it!!! Both of the medicines cause me to bruise…I bruise easily anyway but these shots can cause major bruising. I’m about to attach a picture of my bruises from the very beginning.  It’s just my side…nothing inappropriate!  However, people don’t understand what I mean when I say “bruising” so I thought I would share!

bruisesAWFUL…just awful!!!!!  Those bruises are why I got asked at every ultrasound at LSUS, what happened to me…they probably see alot of abuse there but I always hated when they questioned me!!! LOOK AT MY CHART…Look at my legs…I am on blood thinners AND I bruise easily..always have!

I hate shots…Im very thankful that there is medicine that helps us stay pregnant and have a baby.  However, I will be VERY thankful when these shots are OVER!!!!

Oh and I can promise you that I will KEEP that picture to show the boys when the get older and are difficult…I can hear myself now, “do you see what I had to endure to get you here…why are you acting this way”.  AND, they won’t care that there poor momma had to suffer! :)

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