Sunday, May 9, 2010

Ummmm…WE finally have a name!!!

The only reason I titled this "ummm" is because i couldn't think of a title and i'm not feeling creative AND trigger was saying, "ummmmm" in his sweet little voice.  Speaking of Trigger we are just sitting here at the house missing church and it's just a raining.  We have a busy day and just thinking about it makes me want to go get in bed....wrong attitude but I'm so tired lately and the thought of going from one place to another just exhausts me.  We will celebrate Mother's day with my side of the family at Squire Creek at 1 and Trigger could NOT make it without a I'm here to make the nap happen and missing church.  Feels like it has been forever that I have been able to attend church and will probably be a long time before I am able to and I am MISSING IT! 
First, Mother's's a VERY bittersweet day for that has left me rather down at the moment.  I just have a wide array of emotions...mostly because of the hormones probably but emotional just the same.  My mom passed away right after I turned 12....never a good time but 12 is not the best for a girl.  Those of you that knew my mom knows that she was the LIFE of the party...she was bubbly and fun...never met a stranger.  Her name was TRIGGER which is why we named our little boy Trigger.  After a misdiagnosis of diabetes and TONS of tests, she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer when I was in 5th grade.  If you know anything about pancreatic cancer, you know that not many survive.  The statistic that I just read was for 1995-2001 and it said that the 5 year survival rate (which means that you would survive for 5 years after being diagnosed) was 4.6 percent.  WOW!  that’s horrible…and my mom was diagnosed in May 1992.  She was definitely a trooper through it all but those that knew her would not have been surprised.  She was a tough person and didn’t let much defeat her.  After many treatments and surgeries, lots of time away from her children (three of us- Will was 16, I was 11, and Seth was 8), and her cancer spreading to her liver, she passed away after 14.5 months.  I can remember how sick she was but I also remember her will to keep going. This is just one example…I was trying out for cheerleader in April ‘93.  She was only 3 months from death and was hooked up to travel chemo treatments.  MY MOM got down on the floor in her room to practice with me for my tryouts…even SPOTTING me for a flipflop that I had been trying so hard to perfect.  I didn’t make cheerleader that year and I was sad but had so much that was NOT going for me at the moment that it wasn’t earth shattering.  However, I can remember my mom telling me that God had a different plan for me.  And as much as I don’t care now about not making cheerleader that year, I think back and realize how right she was…Since I didn’t make cheerleader, I was able to spend more time with my mom and go on our last family vacation those last three months.   I guess my point is that she was a DEVOTED mom…in her greatest pain she was down on the floor with me sacrificing herself to help ME.  That is a TRUE mom!

God does ALWAYS have a plan…and as sad as I was and still am sometimes, I didn’t have to wait to long to see the plan.  After only a short year, my dad remarried Liz…there aren’t enough words to describe Liz.  She is AMAZING…obviously…to step into the lives of three children who had lost their mom when she already had two children of her own.  Now I don’t want you to think it was all rosy…nothing of the sort.  It was quite the opposite for some time and I know without a doubt that the ONLY reason we are the family that we are today is because of GOD…because no human could’ve counseled us to be the family that we’ve turned out to be.  Praise GOD!  I will never be able to call Liz, “MOM” because I just can’t without thinking of my mom.  HOWEVER, she has been more of an influence in my life than my mom was…she has been my mom longer than my mom was.  She’s been there for me for all the life changing events in my life…she is my mom in every way possible! And…she’s not that bad of an Izzy either…haha…Trigger (my child) thinks she HUNG THE MOON!

I didn’t intend on this becoming this emotional post but feels good to type it all.  I’m just very thankful for my mom and LIZ!!!   I meant for this email to be about names. 

Kelly at is posting about children’s names.

Our first born is named…

         Cole “Trigger”

From the above portion, you know why I named him Trigger.  However, I didn’t explain why HER name was Trigger because that’s an odd name anyway but for a girl it's WEIRD!  It was her nickname but what she was called from about 1st grade-on.  Her real name was “Wilmoth” Dewitt.  IF that were your name, wouldn’t you want a nickname too! Haha! I remember her telling the story about how her family always said she was sooo busy…that she was “as fast as a trigger”…so she got nicknamed Trigger.  IT was very appropriate for her and so far Trigger is just as “fully of life” as his grandmother.  “Cole” was just a named that Matt and I had liked for awhile.  However, just keeping it honest, I wish we would’ve chosen another family name and made Trigger the first name…I ALWAYS swore I wouldn’t call my child by his middle name because it has ALWAYS caused me problems and actually STILL causes me problems at our hospital when I go every week. :)

Here is our Trigger…

Zoo 033I just love this blonde hair, blue eyed, dimpled, mischievous little boy!!!!!


Our second baby…which is due anytime now is named…

          “Campbell” Clayton

It took us a LOOOONNNGG time to come up with a name.  I am soooo picky and have to have unusual names because my name (Garson) is unusual.  I liked being the only Garson in school so I wanted that for our sons.  I so wanted another family name but the pickens are SLIM in my family!  We have Wilbur, Ransom, Dewitt, et.  Just not names that I would use.  Matt’s family either had very common names or ones we didn’t really want to use.  Sooo…we went with “Campbell” simply because we like the name.  “Clayton” came from Matt.  His name is Matthew Clayton.  So I really wanted one of our boys to carry on one of his names.

Here is our Campbell…this is from an ultrasound about a month ago.  You may not be able to tell but he’s smiling.  We had another ultrasound last week but not any great pictures.

Campbell And I already love this little guy…his big brother has so much to teach him…probably not positive things but that’s ok!

We aren’t planning on having any more children because of our doctors recommendations..AND the fact that I’m not sure I could keep up with three boys…and I’m pretty sure I would have another boy.  Matt’s dad’s family has TONS of boys so I think it’s in the genes.

Well…I just put Trigger down for an early nap.  PRAY that he takes a good one..if not, the day will be even longer for me! :)

Happy Mother’s Day to all the wonderful moms out there.  If you are so longing to be a mom, I can relate.  We had major struggles to get pregnant with Trigger and to deliver him safely.  All I’ve ever wanted to be is a MOM…right after an astronaut but that was a short lived dream. So I know how hard mother’s day can be if you are longing for a child.  I know everyone loves and cherishes their child…however, I know I love my child/children more than I would’ve because of the struggles we have had to get them here! And to those of you who miss your mom, I miss mine too!!! And my mom’s bday is May 10th, she would’ve been 56 this year.


Emery Wilkerson said...

Garson- When I think of our childhood fun I still have frequent memories of your Mom! She was so much fun & always kept us on the go! Some of the memories that I've mentioned in conversations lately.. 1)Stopping at the gas station at the corner of Burgesville/Farmerville Hwy to get Icees! She would always stop there & let us run in on the way to your house from school. When they tore it down a month ago I remembered that! 2)Vacation at Petit Jean! And Will scaring us while we were in the tent! 3)Your sweet Mom watching our softball games from the suburban while she was so sick. You are so right that even at her weakest, she so wanted to be the best Mom & wanted you to know how much she loved you! 4) Hauling us to all of Will's football games & treating me just like I was one of the family! There are lots of other things I remember & lots of great memories playing at your house as kids. I know Mrs Trigger is so proud of you for all the great things in your life! Great wife! Awesome Mom & from what I've heard, a fantastic teacher!!! Love you & am praying for you today! :-)

Cindy said...

Garson!!!! Hey it is Cindy, your favorite old co-worker! I refound your blog today when I was "favoriting" my nieces blogs!You know my computer skills! I just found out about 2 weeks ago from Lisa--I think--that you and Matt are expecting again. Sooo I am just in time for the delivery! Trigger is precious---certainly grown since last time I checked in with you (maybe when he was born?) Anyway, I will keep up with ya'll better from now on---sure don't want to loose contact! I still have a note from you posted in my room saying "I miss you"!Love the name Campbell can't wait to see him!Love, Cindy

The Tylers said...

What a sweet post. We have recently felt many of those feelings with Matt's daddy passing from the same awful cancer. You were so blessed with a great mama and now step-mother. What an awesome mama you have turned out to be! I love the name did good:)!
And you'll be able to return to church soon enough. I was on bedrest for 10 FULL weeks with Jake and remember the agony. But I also didn't have a 2 year old:(. Thinking of you Garson!!!

Cindy Chester said...

Garson, I remember your mom and how she loved the three of you. My heart was broken for all of you back then. It is only appropriate that you miss her most right now. I couldn't agree more that "Izzy" is the best. God is good and his grace is sufficient. Praying for you to have a beautiful, healthy baby. Loved running into you and Matt last week.