Monday, June 14, 2010

Campbell Clayton Woodard

Our precious baby boy, Campbell Clayton Woodard,

photo(this picture is the one that Matt sent to all of our family from the recovery room before they got to see him in person)

arrived on

June 3, 2010 at 8:22 AM (by C-Section)

6 lbs. 11 oz.

18.75 inches

Now I will back up and tell the whole story.  Sorry if this is long but I have to have this typed up for my memories.  And, since it will be so long, I may have to break it up into several different posts.

I had talked to Dr. Harper late Monday afternoon. He was scheduled to be off work all week so I didn’t have a planned doctor’s appt.  but we had scheduled my section for Thursday.  He called to tell me that he had to travel up to visit his son last minute and would not be back in time for the section on Thursday.  I had two options.  1. Let Dr. McWhorter deliver on Thursday.  2. Wait until Monday and Dr. Harper could deliver.  After much debate and a few tears from me, we decided we could not wait until Monday.  I LOVE Dr. Harper and it was killing me that he would not deliver Campbell.  However, I love my children more and couldn’t live with myself if we waited and something happened.  Dr. Harper thought it was a wise decision but told me that “it was emotionally hard for him too” to be missing out on this delivery.  He worked so hard to get both of our boys to delivery and then didn’t get to enjoy the actual delivery! :( Then, when we got off the phone he told me that he loved me.  I’m telling right here and now that there isn’t a doctor that is more caring and compassionate. 

So, I was BUSY on Tuesday and Wednesday getting things finished for the arrival of our baby.  This time was different because I was so worried and emotional about Trigger.  I wanted to make sure he stayed on his schedule as much as possible.  I also was worried about being away from him for so long.  He had never spent the night away from home.  (BTW, I will have to post later our pictures from our weekend before Campbells arrival…we tried to make it very special for Trigger even though he had no idea.)  Anyway, you should have seen the three page typed list of things that I left for Liz/Mrs. Marcia to help them “care” for Trigger…and I wanted to make sure he had on the correct outfits for his visits to the hospital so I came up with this…


I had bought a ton of these buckets for Trigger’s party favors last year and never used them until now.  I put his pjs, outfit, shoes, socks, vitamins, etc. in them for each day that we would be in the hospital.  I thought it was a great idea….a little anal but still very organized!

Wednesday:  Liz spent the entire day with me (and Trigger).  It was my birthday and I had a million things to do so it was nice to have some company.  We cleaned up the house, finished packing, had lunch at sundown with my dad and matt, dr. appt with McWhorter, pre-op blood work, and SOOOOO much more.

Wednesday night: I ate a small supper (mainly because I didn’t have time to sit for long) of Cocoa Pebbles.  Then, Matt and loaded up the car with cameras, pillows, and all the other junk.  We both gave Trigger a bath.   I was an emotional wreck that night because I was so worried about my little boy (Trigger).  We took some pictures of the three of us…yes, I look AWFUL.  AND, YES, Trigger is naked because he was about to take a bath BUT we had to have one picture of the three of us.

Campbell- Hospital 002 Campbell- Hospital 011

Campbell- Hospital 034

After his bath, I put on his pjs, read him his favorite books (crying while reading) and ROCKED, ROCKED, and ROCKED my sweet little boy!!!  He stroked my hair while I rocked him.  He hasn’t let me rock him that long in a very long time.  Then, I put him down for bed and lost it.  Trying to figure out at what point I thought it was necessary to totally turn his world upside down.  BUT, I pulled it together, got a bath, and went to bed at a decent time. 

Thursday:  We woke up at 4 AM.  I had to shower and put on makeup and get everything packed up QUIETLY so that we didn’t disturb our sleeping prince.  HA!  We arrived at the hospital at 5:30.  Here’s proof.

Campbell-Hospital 013 I went into the ER to get my arm band.  Then, we headed upstairs to OB.  We were sent into the room right by the nurses station.  I got on the beautiful hospital gown and then got my IV (oh my…it HURT).  They hooked me up to the monitors to listen to the baby.  Here’s a picture of me in my gown and one of the monitor.  Check out that excellent bp…or at least the bottom number was GREAT!

Campbell-Hospital 015 Campbell-Hospital 016 Matt’s mom came to our house that morning to get Trigger up and bring him to the hospital.  We had decided that we wouldn’t see him before we went back because I didn’t want to be emotional and didn’t want him to be upset.  However, I changed my mind when he got there and just had to see him!

Campbell-Hospital 021 He was a little unsure of what was going on…do you see that concerned look. And here is our last picture as a family of THREE! :)

Campbell-Hospital 022 And, at some point during all of this, THE BEST NURSE (and my good friend), Michelle came in…with her camera in hand…and I am pretty sure that she got a picture of me when she came in the door that could be used for blackmail.

Then, it was time for me to be wheeled to the OR.  Matt was placed in the recovery room.  I got my spinal which was sooooo not fun.  Felt like she was taking a stick and digging around in my back.  OH how I’m glad that is over.  Then, I got nauseated from it…also NOT fun.  After two injections of Zofran, I started to feel better but then the nerves kicked in because I was so scared that the spinal wasn’t going to work and I was going to feel them cutting me.  NONE of which happened.  Everyone was so nice and dealt with my craziness!  I’m sure Michelle had warned them…haha!  After the doctors took their position, Matt was called in and they got started.  Here’s me with all my wires, drapes, oxygen, etc.

Campbell-Hospital 035

Our precious Campbell was born at 8:22 AM.

Campbell-Hospital 036

This is me seeing my baby for the first time.  I was just sooo relieved and so thankful that Campbell was here safe and sound. 

Campbell-Hospital 038  I’m going to stop here because Trigger is about to be here in just a minute and this is a good stopping point.  I only have probably 400 more pictures…but don’t worry, I won’t post them all.  I will try to work on another post this evening after Trigger goes down for the night!


jessie said...

yay! congrats! he's a cutie!

Laura Bankston said...

So happy he is here! I cried through that whole post understanding those feelings you were going through. You helped me realize that I need to cherish one on one time with Addison before our little one arrives!! Congrats on another precious miracle!!!!!