Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Waiting, Waiting, Waiting…

We had most of our family there to welcome Campbell into the world.

Campbell- Hospital 044 Campbell- Hospital 040 Campbell- Hospital 048 As I said in the post yesterday, after Campbell was out of me, they took him to the recovery room.  Matt, of course, followed Campbell and stayed with him.  While they were in recovery, Matt sent our family a picture of Campbell.  Seth had my camera in the waiting room so he got some shots of everyone checking their phones and seeing the picture.

Campbell- Hospital 053 Campbell- Hospital 056 Campbell- Hospital 058 Campbell- Hospital 059 Proud (even though the face isn’t showing it) BIG BROTHER!!!!

Campbell- Hospital 071 And giving him a kiss!

Campbell- Hospital 065

And, here are some more pictures of Campbell from after birth.  Sorry if they are gross to you…it’s for my memories though!

Campbell-Hospital 040 Campbell-Hospital 046 Campbell-Hospital 052 His weight…

Campbell-Hospital 057 Campbell-Hospital 064

Matt got to hold him for the first time in recovery.

Campbell-Hospital 089

Usually the baby gets to stay in the recovery room but Campbell had some fluid on his lungs so they had to take him back to the nursery.  Matt got to wheel him past our family. They got to get their first glimpse at him.

Campbell- Hospital 074 

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Trigger did not really like that his daddy had that hat on his head. :)

Shortly after Campbell arrived in the nursery, they decided that his breathing had not gotten any better so they wheeled him down into the NICU.  And, I will talk more about that later.

Here is Liz talking to Dr. Mac…she said she has no idea what they were talking about.  I guess I was in the recovery room at this time.

Campbell- Hospital 100 And, I still have lots more pictures and lots more to share….but this will be the stopping point for now! :)

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