Friday, April 30, 2010

My “before the baby is born” LIST

I am going to post my “to do” list in hopes that it will push me to get some of it done…

1. Get Trigger’s preemie-3month clothes out of attic.

2. Wash baby clothes.

3. Get cradle and bedding from brad and michelle.

4. Put Trigger’s retired clothes in the attic.

5. Wash cradle bedding.

6. Return carseat cover. (because Graco people are idiots..uh-hum…excuse me…sorry about that)

7. Switch Trigger’s carseat to other side of car and install infant seat.

8. Hang Trigger’s curtain rods.

9. Have cousins paint canvases for the baby’s room.

10. Buy frames for canvases.

11. Hang baseball hooks in Trigger’s room.

12. Clean out baby’s room.

13. Wrap Trigger’s gift from baby.

14. Take down Trigger’s canvases, hand/footprints, and pictures off of the baby’s walls and re-hang in Trigger’s room.

15. Buy a frame and hang our family picture.

16. Buy seat protector for Matt’s truck.

17. Buy inclined infant positioner for bed. 

18. Buy a few newborn-3 month going out/church outfits (Trigger had NONE because he didn’t go anywhere until 6-8 months and this baby will just have to)

19. Sterlize bottles and pacis.

20. Take bumper and boppy cover to be monogrammed.

21. Buy things for Desserts with Mom at school.  Not there but still have to take care of everything (lesson plans, getting the weeks stuff ready, scrapbooks, etc.)

22. Make something to hang on the hospital door.  We didn’t have anything for Trigger (at LSU) because it would’ve been stolen.  :)

23. Clear off camera cards and back-up pictures.

24. Charge ALL camera batteries.

25. Pack for the hospital. (yes, this shouldve already been done AND i have packed some but keep pulling things out)

26. Spend as much time as possible with Trigger AND Matt. 

27. Pray that I have a couple/few more weeks to finish this “to do” list…


There are SOOOOO many more things that need to be done but I can’t think of them right now.  We were so prepared for Trigger and soooo not prepared for this baby.


Here are a few things I have found that I think I “need”…we will see what Mr. CPA says! :)

Carseat cover….LOVE THIS ONE!!!!  isn’t it BEAUTIFUL?!? I found it at

They have so many to choose from so if you are in need of a cover, you should take a look.


The NAP NANNY…This so would’ve been wonderful for Trigger because he had such bad acid reflux

Nap Nanny Infant Sleep Aide

Art work display…Trigger is starting school in the fall AND he LOVES to color. I found this one at


There are soooo many more…but I need to get started on my to-do list because I have already thought of THREE more things that I need to add..and that’s just in the few minutes that I have been typing this last section.

I hope everyone has a great weekend.  I know alot of people are disappointed in the weather…I am NOT because I am hoping this weather will help me to stay inside and get some things done and marked off my list!!!


Laura said...

Oh my Gosh Garson! This just made me very anxious and reminded me how much I have to do. Why were we sooo prepared for the first one?

Rebecca said...

I have an inclined infant sleep positioner that we never used for Catherine. I would love for you to use it. Just let me know.

Emery Wilkerson said...

I AM IN LOVE with that car seat cover!!! It is GORGEOUS!!!!!!!