Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Pregnancy Update AND Easter at Hoods

On Saturday, we went to mamaw and papaw’s (my dad’s parents) house.  We grilled hamburgers and had an Easter egg hunt.  We spent alot of time outside so Trigger was HAPPY!  This was the outfit that he was suppose to wear to the Temple egg hunt but didn’t.  I love it and it was actually perfect that he wore it to papaw’s because the HOODS are HUGE baseball fans.  Papaw loves the Yankees (he was actually drafted to play for them but once he got up there…and met Mickey Mantle…he got homesick because his dad thought he was wasting his time…he came home and began his family).  Mamaw loves the Braves.  AND, my dad LOVES the Astros!  We have huge love for baseball!!!! 

When we arrived at Mamaw’s, the first thing Trigger found was the swing.  My grandparents have had a swing right here for as long as I can remember…not this particular swing.Easter- Mamaws 001

And Sydney decided to join him…and I thought they would be so cute taking a picture together…remember the sensitive eye thing.  Yep, it was a problem again!

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And we attempted a shot of everyone…but this really isn’t everyone and the two babies aren’t even being held by their parents so don’t be confused. 

Easter- Mamaws 020 And then we had our little egg hunt.  Trigger actually carried his basket this time.

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Trigger thought Papaw’s cane was great…and he kept going to get it to take it to Papaw.

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And the grillers!

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We went inside to eat and afterwards, Papaw opened his cards from everyone..his birthday is in a week!  Trigger absolutely LOVES papaw.  Papaw makes him laugh!!!

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Pregnancy Update: I did go see Dr. Harper today…have I said it before?  I LOVE him!  He is so kind and really listens to me.  I think it’s because we are two of a kind (the OCD kind).  My blood pressure was PERFECT today!  He told me that we are so blessed because there for a few weeks, I think he didn’t think I would make it this far.  So he told me that obviously teaching stresses me out too much so I am not allowed to go back to work for the duration of pregnancy!  I will be home resting but I am NOT on “bedrest”.  I am allowed to go to Walmart or other places.  I just have to limit myself and not overdo it!  I just thought I should explain that because I can’t tell you how many people I have seen lately that have said, “What are you doing here…you are suppose to be on BEDREST!”  Not true!  Teaching little people (not to mention taking care of their parents :)) just required alot physically and emotionally from me…I have always know that but my blood pressure these last two months have proven it!  I’m not sure if I have posted this but since I have been “home”, I have been able to cut my medicine in half…for those of you that don’t know, that is a BIG deal!  At least we don’t have that much longer in school…and definitely don’t have much longer in pregnancy.  However, at the rate I am going with this bp, I may just make it to the VERY end.  Wouldn’t that be a MIRACLE!  Liz told me the other day that she just thinks it’s going to be hilarious when I make it until 38 weeks and I call her complaining about how miserable I am and how hot it is…I replied that I don’t think my stomach can get much bigger…and she LAUGHED…like Laughed OUT LOUD!  Sooo…I guess it can get bigger…it just already feels sooo tight and sooo big!

Okay…that’s all for tonight.  I am tired.  I have taken care of my sick baby all day..he’s much better and pretty much back to his ornery old self!  And, I am still trying to work on that DANG office to playroom transformation! Ready for my house to be in some kind of order! 

1 comment:

StephMilton said...

You're pappaw makes everyone (especially kids) laugh! Always has!! :) Glad Trigger enjoys him so much. Cherish those times and take LOTS of pictures!!