Friday, April 30, 2010


I feel like our life is a ZOO and I know it’s only going to get more wild with another child. I really wanted to take Trigger to the zoo before we had the baby.  I felt like if we didn’t, who knows when we would have another opportunity…probably next summer.  I didn’t want the poor child’s first time to go to the zoo to be when he was almost three.  I know I am crazy…but that was one thing I wanted marked off my “before the baby is born” list. 

We decided to go to the monroe zoo…I knew it wouldn’t be great but we really didn’t have a choice seeing that I can’t get far away from Dr. Harper.

The first thing we noticed when we arrived was this sign…of course Matt noticed the typo before I even noticed that there was writing on it.  you gotta love those analytical minds.  However, I did think it was quite embarrassing that they misspelled LOUISIANA!!! 

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I made Matt put his head in the whole…of course he was worried about germs…NOTE the child is completely disinterested in this display and is wondering what’s so great about the zoo.Zoo 025And in case you don’t have great vision, here is a close-up of the typo…EMBARRASSING!

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Trigger loved the “moneys” (monkeys) which is good because they have alot of them at the Monroe zoo.

These are of Trigger looking at the “moneys”.

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And, I want you to check out how cute these two are together…especially with their plaid.  I did NOT plan that by the way!

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And this is one (of two) picture of me and Trigger….and it’s not even centered because Matt was trying to make Trigger smile. I was HOT and tired…we didn’t stay long.

Zoo 063 None of us were too impressed by the selection of animals…alot of the animals were actually put up and the workers were cleaning the cages.  I thought that was POOR timing considering we went on a Saturday morning at 10. 

Trigger did like the HUGE turtle that they had…mainly because he could get close to it…the turtle was eating right beside the fence.  Somehow I didn’t get a picture of it.

Trigger really just enjoyed running and having Matt chase him.  He also liked pushing the stroller! :)

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We will try again next year…I am glad that we got to experience the zoo with Trigger though!!!

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