Friday, April 2, 2010

Outside Fun

Of course we all know that Trigger loves, loves, loves to be outside.  I truly think he would live outdoors if we would let him.  Anyway, we were outside for a long time one afternoon.  I always try to not be a over-the-top, worry-all-the-time MOM but it is hard.  I absolutely HATE spiders and snakes and we have woods all around us so that makes it quite difficult to avoid them.  This afternoon Trigger kept getting in the flowerbeds to play.  Well the flowerbeds have weeds and leaves all in them and I’m just so scared that there will be a snake or spider waiting for my baby!  So I made Trigger sit on the driveway and he dug in the flowerbed/dirty with a stick. Then he started to take the stick and use it like a quill with the dirt being his ink AND he made marks all over his legs. I think this kept him occupied for 10 minutes!

Here are the marks on his legs.

Dyeing Easter Eggs 002 Dyeing Easter Eggs 001

Then, he decided he would like to wear the mask that I wore when working on the dresser.  He loves to put on hats, masks, shoes, belts, etc.  I guess he’s an accessory man…i bet that makes his daddy proud. HAHA!

Dyeing Easter Eggs 012Dyeing Easter Eggs 011Dyeing Easter Eggs 005  

II hope everyone is having a GREAT Good Friday and remembers why we have this holiday and that we need to Thank GOD for sending his son to die so that we may LIVE forever.  I walked in the bathroom last night while Matt was giving Trigger a bath and he was explaining why we have Good Friday and Easter.  I am so thankful for a husband that leads our family to worship and love our Lord!!! Speaking of my husband, he is working today but did get to take a few minutes to help me with Trigger at the Temple Easter Egg hunt.  I will have to post pictures of that later.  Have a GREAT weekend!!!

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