Wednesday, April 7, 2010


I have to be honest…I am feeling kind of down tonight!  I really don’t feel like blogging but I am because I still have Easter pictures to post.

Why am I down?  Several reasons and at the same time nothing really at all!  Just  pregnancy hormones, i guess?!  I had my ultrasound today and we got to see our precious boy on the screen.  I so wonder what he will be like…what he will look like! I wonder if he will be like Trigger or nothing at all like him.  The ultrasound lady, Mrs. Nancy, did all the measuring.  Of course being the OCD person I am watched intently to make sure everything measured perfectly.  When she measured his stomach, it measured small…like almost three weeks small!!!  I asked Mrs. Nancy…and she of course told me I needed to settle down and that she was going to measure again.  And I think she measured three times and took the best measurement and it was still almost three weeks behind.  So of course my mind starts racing, “what was that that Dr. Jones said a few weeks ago….?”  ahhhh, yes!  He said that the baby’s growth looked great…that if there was a problem (with the placenta) the first place it shows is in the ABDOMEN!!!  WHAT???  Why??  I am still feeling a little panicked but all we be well I am sure!!! :) haha….do you like how I try to convince myself?  See the thing is that with every ultrasound for BOTH babies (and we’ve had a TON of ultrasounds) every measurement has always, ALWAYS been within a few days of the gestational age!  Sooo…there has to be a reason for this measurement!  Anyway, Mrs. Nancy continued measuring other things…and then she called Matt back.  She showed him all of the baby’s body parts.  Then, I asked her to check the position of my placenta because there has been questions both times that I have been to shreveport about whether it was  a low lying placenta or placental previa.  She said it just looked low lying to her but didn’t look like a problem.  Then she asked, “WHAT HAVE THEY SAID ABOUT CORD PLACEMENT?”  Me, “WHAT?  NOTHING! WHY??”  She said, well you know I am not really trained to tell you anything (she’s been doing this for 20 plus years) but I’m just going to show you the picture.  ME, “ummm…yes…that would be the cord wrapped around my baby’s neck.” she said, “so you see what I see” Me, “well if you are seeing cord around the neck too then yes, we are seeing the same thing.” she said the she had been told a million times that it wasn’t a problem and that the cord can do this from time to time but that she was making a note for the radiologist because of my history of problems….

OH MY…OH MY…small abdomen…low lying placenta…cord around baby’s neck…i think i want to THROW UP!  Instead, what do I do?  I come home and RESEARCH.  Then I get myself so worked up, that I decide I need to call dr. harper just for my peace of mind.  AND THEY ARE GONE FOR THE DAY…at 315!  Soooo…now I am here…all alone because my husband is a CPA and it’s busy season!  Sooo…i will probably just do a little more research just to hammer it into my head a little more why I need to be worried!  AND tomorrow morning, Dr. Harper will be getting a little phone call!  Bless his little heart…but at least I am not dialing his cell phone or house phone right now because they are programmed into my phone! :)

Okay…so i’m sure this has done wonders for the blood pressure!

On to the EASTER BUNNY!  Trigger was visited by the big rabbit…Matt and I actually discussed the size of the Easter Bunny.  I always envisioned him to be the size of the dressed up bunny in the mall…Matt always saw him as a waist high rabbit.  What did you envision?  Anyway, Trigger got several goodies.  And I realize that he doesn’t have on matching pjs…we were REALLY late getting in Saturday night and I just grabbed what ever was closest to me.  And Trigger had a horrible night and was very cranky for most of these pictures…even though that doesn’t really show! 

Here is his Easter “basket”.Easter Morning 011 Easter Morning 012

And Matt carrying him in

Easter Morning 015 Checking out his basket

Easter Morning 018 Easter Morning 022

Toy Story One and Two

Easter Morning 023

And his FAVORITE PART…crayons and a coloring book

Easter Morning 025

Easter Morning 030

Trigger had to go outside because the Easter bunny had hidden some eggs outside…notice his new flipflops that he HAD to put on!

Easter Morning 032

Easter Morning 039

Easter Morning 042

Well..that made me smile to look at all those pictures!  Be back tomorrow…I am gonna try to post some pictures of my sneaky, mischievous little boy doing some things he really shouldn’t be doing!

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