Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Mama’s Overalls

Quick Update: We had our ultrasound on Monday with Dr. Jones.  EVERYTHING LOOKED GREAT!!!  The baby’s abdominal circumference measured a few days-week behind but so did his femur and head.  Dr. Jones said that was perfectly fine.  My bp was a little up…IMAGINE THAT…wouldn’t your bp be up too if you thought there might be a problem with your baby…sooo of course it was up.  We were alot happier with Dr. Jones this time.  He seemed to take a little more time and even gave a little advice.  He told me to not be surprised if my bp starts creeping up even more and to watch it closely.  I so believe that God made this baby’s belly grow.  We had so many people tell us they were praying…and I’m telling you that I watched Mrs. Nancy here in Ruston (last wednesday) measure the abdomen THREE different times and it was three weeks behind. On Monday, less than a week later, it had grown.    Dr. Jones also told me that I have to start weekly non-stress tests next week so we will do that here in Ruston. 

I saw Dr. Harper today and he was pleased with everything and said he would see me in a week.  He did mention that the baby was high…ummmm…he’s not telling me anything I don’t know.  This little boy isn’t comfortable unless he is under both ribs and kicking them! Real pleasant for momma! Ha!!!

Back to my first BABY!  This past weekend Matt had to work his tail off so I had Trigger on Saturday.  I decided to put him in these overalls…they were my overalls from when I was little.  Isn’t that precious?!  I am a tinsy bit sad because I have all these smocked dresses from when I was little that are in a tub in my attic…and they will never be worn! :(  However, I am NOT sad that I will have two little boys…boys are so fun and i don’t have to worry about the high heels, bows, inappropriate clothing, etc.

I took Trigger outside to take a few pictures outside with the beautiful trees…please excuse the grass.  As I said, Matt has been working his tail off and has had NO TIME to mow…he will this weekend.  Hopefully, we won’t get kicked out of the neighborhood.  I seriously contemplated putting out a sign today that said, “please excuse our grass…my husband is a CPA and i’m very, very pregnant with a toddler” but I thought the sign would just add to the tackiness so I decided against it!

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And this is what Trigger does with his tractor…goes OVER the stumps.  Apparently it is an off roader!

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Then, he went around to the other side of the house.  He picked up the water hose and tried to squeeze the nozzle.  When nothing came out, he headed to the faucet to turn it on….HOW DOES HE KNOW THESE THINGS…i mean he may have seen us do that once!

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Trigger went inside and took a little nap.  When he got up, we picked up lunch and went to spend the afternoon with Izzy (“Zizzy” as Trigger calls her) and Poppy (my parents).  It was fun and kept Trigger entertained.  I love watching Trigger interact with Daddy and Liz. I will share some of those pictures tomorrow!

Thanks for all the prayers for our sweet baby boy!

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