Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Springtime! and Echo

Trigger has been enjoying the weather and I am trying to get him outside as much as possible…it can be exhausting for me to chase him all over the place though!  We have also been enjoying a few popsicles every now and then…he’s really not OVERLY fond of eating them.  BUT, he LOVES to hold them! Zoo 020

Zoo 022

Zoo 023

I’m trying to make the most of these days with Trigger because I know it will change soon.  I do know that I will miss my one-on-one time with my little guy!  He’s a MESS but so much fun!!!

OH and I STAND CORRECTED! Trigger did absolutely PERFECT at his appt with Dr. King today.  They started out by doing the echo.  He laid in my lap and was VERY still for 20 minutes.  WHAT?  Well, he was a perfect angel and they got WONDERFUL pictures of his heart. 

Trigger's echoTrigger's echo2

Afterwards, they had to do an EKG…he wasn’t so sure about having all those tabs on him but it didn’t take long.  THEN, they checked his blood pressure and he LOST it.  He sees me check mine all the time and he pulls at the cuff and says, “no, no, no”.  Soooo i guess the same goes for him.  He was fine as soon as the cuff was off his arm!  He weighed in at 26.5 lbs. (fully dressed with shoes) which is down from a couple of weeks ago at Green Clinic (when he was naked).   And, he was 33 inches tall.  My little boy is growing up TOO fast!  Next, we saw Dr. King who is an AMAZING doctor with absolutely NO ego issues!  He is completely humble and gives ALL the praise to God.  LOVE THAT!  He listened to Trigger’s heart and told us that his hole is CLOSED!  YAY!  The echo preliminary report was all good.  So, unless something shows up when Dr. King looks at the echo, then Trigger is released!  I think Dr. King is great but I really don’t want to have to see him ever again! :)

The nurses were so sweet too…after Dr. King listened to Trigger’s heart, one of the nurses let Trigger play with her stethoscope.  He immediately put it around his neck…just like Dr. King…and pulled his shirt up and started “listening” to his heart.  Hmmm…maybe he won’t be an Emeril, maybe he will be a cardiologist!

Trigger's echo3

Praise the Lord for a healthy boy!

Oh and my STORY will have to wait another day because I just can’t do it tonight!

1 comment:

Lisa D said...

Praise the Lord for healed hearts and answered prayers!