Thursday, April 8, 2010

Late Breaking News

Haha…not really!  But I was tired of putting “update”!  I stressed all day and tried to tell myself that the stomach measurement (abdominal circumference) being three weeks off wasn’t that big of a deal…I mean it was still in the “normal” range.  However, that is what concerned me THE most. Because the numbers were still in the “normal” range, I was so worried that my concerns were going to be looked at as irrational.  And let me just say that they DO give a three week +/- range for all measurements to take in account for people that do not really know their conception or due dates…or could've been wrong about them AND to take in account for just naturally big or small babies.  HOWEVER, we KNOW without a doubt what our conception date is because we had an IUI to get pregnant so there should be NO change in our “due date” or “gestational age”.  AND, my numbers have always been within a few days (five at the most) of the gestational age. 

So…I waited until about 830 and called Mrs.. Flo at Dr. Harper’s office.  I told her the whole situation and told her that I was concerned it would not get looked at by Dr. Harper until my appt next week because I just KNEW that the radiologist would say it was “fine” since the numbers were in “normal range”…esp. since the radiologist has absolutely NO clue that I had a small placenta with Trigger and NO clue that I have hypertension and antiphospholipid antibody syndrome which BOTH can cause placental problems.  So of course he would say that the numbers looked “fine”.  Mrs.. Flo said she would make sure Dr. Harper looked at the report and called me.  I waited and almost pulled my hair out   patiently for the phone call.  He finally called around 330.  Dr. Harper said (as I predicted) that everything in the report said "normal”.  However, being the great dr. that he is, and knowing that I am a complete psycho about my healthcare he listened to what I had researched and what I thought was the problem.  See…this is what I have found.  I am prone to problems with the placenta.  When I went to Dr. Jones last time (3 weeks ago), he mentioned something briefly while acting like I was a waste of his time about how the growth of the baby looked WONDERFUL and if there were a problem with the placenta that the first place to show it/number one indicator would be the stomach…it wouldn’t grow.  WHY do I remember him saying that little piece of info?  GOD!  I’m telling you…I really don’t remember most of what these dr.s tell me but that piece of info was tucked away in my mind and has come back to my memory several times since…! 

Soooo I COULD (this is my internet diagnosis…and HOPE and PRAY it isn’t so) have what is called asymmetrical IUGR (intrauterine growth retardation or restriction).  It basically is when the abdomen isn’t growing properly and the head is.  It happens because of an insufficient placenta and the baby takes all the nutrients (because he wouldn’t be getting enough from the placenta) and uses it for brain and heart development….which means that the head grows but the stomach doesn’t…and that can eventually harm the liver and other abdominal organs.  I sure am praying that it isn’t this.  However, the ONE great thing is that I am 30 weeks and if I had to deliver, I could!!! 

Back to Dr. Harper,  he said that he wouldn’t be completely stressed out about it but that we needed to see what the deal is.  He wanted me to see Dr. Jones to have another ultrasound over in Shreveport.  I called Dr. Jones nurse and she is SOOOO very sweet!  She got my chart and told me to hold and she talked to Dr. Jones.  He said that I needed to come back in for an ultrasound next week.  I will go Monday to have it and we will assess the situation then.  Hopefully the measurements in Ruston were just a fluke.  The u/s tech in Shreveport told the nurse to tell me that he could’ve just been breathing in…and that would be a reason for a small tummy but Mrs.. Nancy measured several times. 

Oh and Dr. Harper gave me my measurements.  On March 18th in Shrev., the baby’s abdominal circumference was 23.3 and yesterday, April 7th it was 23.6.  So the stomach had only grown .3.  I am NOT a medical person but I know that’s not right!  Soooo we will see!  And poor Matthew…this is the worst timing for him to deal with this.  He has ONE week left until he can slack off a LITTLE bit and BAM…we have a potential problem with the pregnancy! 

Cord- I am not really concerned about the cord at this time…i think like 30-40 percent of babies are born with a cord around their neck.  I know it can be a horrible thing but I am not concerned about it at this point…as long as I am feeling him move! 

I sure hope that Monday comes quickly!  Tomorrow Mrs. Arva will come to clean the house so I will be busy getting ready for her and then I have an appt to have eye exam…haven’t been to the eye dr. since my freshman year in college so I thought I should go!  Saturday- I’ll have Trigger ALL day while Matt is working…WHEW!  Sunday- Church and I’m sure Matt will work the rest of the day so I will have Trigger again…DOUBLE WHEW!  Monday- I will stress until time for us to have our u/s done

Thank you to all of  you that called or texted to check on me…I didn’t really answer the phone much today.  I tried to stay busy…not really busy but away from a computer (like at Liz’s) and tried not to talk on my phone so I wouldn’t miss Dr. Harper’s call! 

Sorry…there are NO pictures.  I haven’t downloaded the ones I took yesterday and I have no energy to go get the camera card!  I’m going to look up more stuff on the internet RELAX before I go to bed!


auDi tHis woRld said...

Love you, Garson! Waiting to hear from you on Monday and praying in the meantime...

the vance's said...

Hey girl! Have been thinking and praying for you! Read on FB everything was ok and I am sooo happy to hear that. When I had TTTS with the girls I was so worried about IUGR too bc most of the TTTS babies are diag with it! I do know that fear!
SO glad you can relax now!!! Have a great week!