Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My Izzy and Poppy

I am sorry that I am just now posting these pictures…i was on such a blogging roll and then I just fizzled out!  I think mostly from being tired and also because Matt has been home in the evenings now so I’ve been enjoying spending time with him!Trigger LOVES his Izzy (or “zizzy”) and Poppy.  We (Trigger and I) spent one Saturday with them while Matt was at work!  We are glad that he is done with those Saturdays for awhile! 

We enjoyed a little Sonic lunch outside in the “courtyard”.  I wish I had a courtyard for Trigger to play in…CONFINED is the BEST way to have Trigger!!!!!!

Here are a few pictures from our time with Izzy and Poppy.

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Wearing Mamas Overalls 122 Pregnancy Update:  I will be 32 weeks on Thursday!!!  Awesome!  I am now on weekly dr. visits and have been since 29 weeks.  This week I started NST (non-stress test) at the hospital.  They hook me up to the heart monitor and contraction monitor.  While they are watching those two things, I have to push a button every time the baby moves.  They are looking for 3 movements that are immediately followed by an increase in heart rate…all within 15 minutes.  They monitor me for 30 minutes.  I have to have these done twice a week.  With Trigger, when I was in the hospital, I had them twice a day for 2 weeks….so twice a week is not so bad….however that does put me at the doctors office or the hospital three days a week. :) I saw Dr. Harper today and my blood pressure was up…I will watch it closely this week and probably will have to up my medicine.

Tomorrow: Please pray for us tomorrow.  We have to take Trigger back to Dr. King (pediatric cardiologist) for a checkup AND an ECHOCARDIOGRAM…Trigger was about 9 months old the last time he had an echo and it showed that his heart still had the hole in it.   I remember the test being difficult because he had to be still….hahaha…NOTHING compared to how difficult it will be tomorrow.  I had been told that they would probably sedate him some which is fine because I know it will probably be necessary. However, I called and they do NOT sedate anymore.  They will try and if he doesn’t cooperate, we will have to reschedule to have it done at the hospital and have Trigger sedated.  I told the lady that I was pretty sure that he would NOT cooperate….considering he won’t let me hold him longer than a minute because he is always ON THE GO!  She (the nurse) replied, “Well, Ma’am, we put on cartoons for him to watch”.  After I got finished laughing my head off  I took a minute to compose myself, I told her, “All we can do is try”.  She said, “If he has a favorite toy, I would bring that”….I replied , “okay..great, I will bring his ball…will there be someone to fetch it OR I can bring his ‘mer’ (hammer) and he can hammer the daylights out of the echo guy and anything in sight.” However, i felt those were words that were best left unsaid so instead I replied, “I will bring his blanket and paci and I hope that will keep him still.”  NOW, let me just say that it can take up to 30 minutes!!!!  PLEASE tell me that my 20 month old is not abnormal…can any 20 month old lay still for 30 minutes while a stranger puts gel on his chest and rubs a big ball around????  I sure hope we aren’t the only ones that can’t cooperate!  So pray for us and little Trigger.  Hopefully, the hole will be GONE and we won’t have to do an echo ever again!!!

Please stay tuned because BOY DO I HAVE A STORY FOR YOU!!!  Trigger was up to NO good yesterday…let’s just say that he is ALIVE but I did have to call poison control!! I don’t have the energy to tell the whole story now though! 

1 comment:

StephMilton said...

My 20 month old would probably NOT lay still for 30 minutes either!!! PFFF But maybe if Trigger has his paci he'll be still long enough for them to see.