Saturday, April 3, 2010

Trigger’s First time to Dye Easter Eggs

I had planned for us to dye Easter eggs on Wednesday because I knew Matt would be home to help AND enjoy watching Trigger. Matt stripped Trigger down and put some underwear on him WHILE i got all the dye and eggs ready.  Of course we chose to do this outside….because…well…can you picture dye all over my kitchen.  I did NOT want to picture it! :)

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He had a great time…even thought he didn’t really understand what we were doing.  He kept saying BALL and would chunk the egg into the bowl of dye making it splash everywhere!  And he “pretended” to eat the eggs…guess he figured out that they weren’t balls…and he got a nice taste of the vinegar.  YUCK! In the pictures below, the ones that he’s smiling…that’s after he’d thrown a “ball” and made dye go everywhere…he sure was proud of himself!

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When we finished, his poor hands were dyed GREEN and BLUE!  and sad to say but it didn’t really come off too well in the bath.  I am VERY thankful that I didn’t wait until Saturday to dye eggs.  Can you imagine him being all dressed for Easter Sunday with green hands! Thankfully, after a bath every night and a good nail clipping, his hands are back to normal.

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I took a few pictures of our finished eggs….please note all the cracks!  that would be from the throwing of the BALLS! :)

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jessie said...

awe, you're a good mom. we (my sisters and i) let olivia watch us dye eggs last night!! next year we plan to strip her down and head outside, too!

Amy Hogan said...

I can't wait to make memories like this with my little one! You will have to give me pointers and remind me of the "mommy" thing to do :)