Thursday, April 22, 2010

Ny, Ny…

The other day Trigger was so very fussy.  We hadn’t been anywhere all morning…Trigger doesn’t usually take a morning nap anymore but I was feeling like he really needed one.  So, I put him down for a nap.  He slept for awhile which was a nice break for me!!!  When I went to get him out of bed, I realized I had put him down with one of his boots on.  He LOVES these boots and if he sees them in the house or in his closet, he HAS to put them on.  Well, apparently he had only put on one boot right before he went “ny, ny” (that’s what he says for “night, night”).  I just had to have a picture of him with his one boot on…How did he nap with that boot on…how uncomfortable!

Zoo 017

Zoo 018 

Did you make a note of how many pacis you see in that crib?  I swear he hides them because we will be down to 1-2 pacis and then all of the sudden there are tons in his crib.  Also, I would like to say that he ONLY gets a paci when he’s in his crib.  In fact, they have to stay in the crib when he gets out.  However, I have to work harder on getting him to sleep without it…but i’m just not sure I have the energy!

Tomorrow is gonna be a busy day.  My parents are keeping Trigger in the morning while I go have my non-stress test.  Then, I will have to go pick him up because they are leaving for Houston…yep, baseball season has started. :) And, Trigger has got to have a haircut tomorrow…WALMART :(…and we’ve got to clean up because Mrs. Arva is coming to clean tomorrow afternoon.  Soooo much for rest! I’m tired just thinking about all that has to be done. Maybe I will get some rest this weekend…I hope so because I have developed this pain in my shoulder blade through to my chest…I usually get this particular pain when I am stressed or have too much going on. I’m ready for the pain to go away!

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