Saturday, April 10, 2010

The most PRECIOUS outfit

We are very fortunate to have a wonderful family with THREE boys pass down their clothes to Trigger!  This is one of their outfits.  I tried to put Trigger in the outfit several times last year but it was just too big.  This year the outfit fits PERFECT!  Of course Matt walked in and said, “what in the heck is he wearing?”  But what does he know about dressing a little boy! :) Anyway, while Trigger was wearing the outfit, I had to snap a few pictures.  Please excuse the rubber boots that do NOT match…but for some reason, I think they are just precious with the outfit.  What’s more boyish than rubber boots?!

Oh and he is helping himself to a little snack of grapes and water!Easter Morning 049

And these two pictures are blurry but I love his expressions in them!

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LOVE those little lips!

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And, look at that smile behind his little hand (that was trying to grab my camera…sneaky little boy)!

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And apparently Trigger got tired of using his hands…we are gonna have to work on those manners!

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I hope everyone is having a good weekend…our house is COUNTING DOWN the days until THURSDAY, APRIL 15th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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