Monday, March 11, 2013


So before I begin, let me say a special thanks to my ss class for outing me about the inappropriate story about Matt's P. He really didnt care BUT it did spark his interest to see what other stories have been told about him so he started reading. Thankfully, Matt has a great sense of humor (which was one of the very first things that attracted me to him..he's funny) so he laughed at most of my posts. Maybe he won't check it everyday now to see what I've said. Ha!
***im really only kidding...I don't keep things from Matt. :)
Anyway, today was a good day. As would be the case alot of the time if Matt were home everyday and use his big booming voice when trigger talks back, makes ugly faces, growls, etc at me. No need to dwell on things that aren't going to happen...
Matt was home all day so it was a much easier day on me. Matt and t went to church. I stayed home with my bubble ( case the term "bubble" is confusing) baby and my sleeper. Campbell was asleep until Matt was walking out the door. Guess he's not a fan of the time change either. He did, however, enjoy mommy time and getting to slowly eat breakfast and watch a movie on his nabi.

Matt and t came home and we headed to my parents to eat with my family. It was good to get to visit. Most of us live here but we really don't see each other Bc we are all so busy.

Then it was Naptime...perfect day for a long nap. Rainy...cloudy. Perfect, right? Well. Larkin refused. Trigger doesn't take naps. And Campbell started screaming and crying as soon as we got him down. Matt went to check on him and came back and said "he was hurt. You will never guess how!"

You know how he loves his hair...he sucks his right fingers and twists his hair (he prefers mine but two other children dont ever allow that to happen) with his left hand/fingers. He's gotten to where he twists the hair (mine or his) really tight and pulls. Well. He got his hair wrapped too tight and couldn't get it undone. He freaked out and yanked a chunk of his hair out of his head. But it was still wrapped around. To the point of cutting off circulation. Matt got it off but he still has a red mark on his thumb.
Then, this afternoon, trigger accidentally slammed the gate to the playroom on the same exact thumb. Poor Campbell.
IT is NEVER a dull moment. Never.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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